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Reviews for "Chaos Faction 2"

So, I'm having a control problem.

If a I press a key there's a very good chance the game won't recognize when I stop pressing it. End result is that it's unplayble for me.

not very fun.

to many random events makes this game more of a trial but luck than a legitimate fighting game. aside from sharing moves, the characters aren't unique or memorable, and the stand combo you do actually pushes forward making you disengage before falling off.

Its a clusterfuck of ideas thrown in without any real rhyme or reason, and ends up being a headache of a game that just inst fun to play.

Good, but not as good as the first

This one is interesting, I like how sometimes you have someone else to help you out on the campaign trails. But the first one was better - a lot of the time with this one I just can't see what the hell is going on. There's too much chaos.

I agree with Zoe

It definitely is not as good as the first. You really can't tell what's going on half the time. Less hectic and therefore better in the first game.

Honestly, I know EON won't update the game himself anymore, but people at ruffle, just made the game act wonky? If that's the right word, i still love it, trust me, i do, but now it just feels weird, it might be just being whiny, but

1. The Original Character and weapon art has just been retraced
If you go look at full gameplay walkthroughs from before 2020, the art was much smoother and had thinner lines
2.The CPU
The CPU is very weird now, it sometimes can just start spinning in place, which it didnt do that in the original game. Now, the art of the character have thicker lines which don't fit in my opinion, same goes for the weapons, they just look odd as i said. I might be wrong, but the closest conclusion i could come to that it was retraced, every single frame
3.The Achievements are broken
I played the game and only on Farmageddon i got 3 achievements, Anger Management, Immortal, I forgot the third one. Once I was done with the match it said I got all the achievements, even if I didn't finish the game, i was literally on the 3rd level.
4.Black Screen
I went offtab onto youtube for a few seconds and my screen became black so uh yeah theres that too, it can also happen when you pause the game