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Reviews for "Creeping"


Yeap, this game hard because player doesn't have enough abilities! Teleporter is not effective. This game need crouch. And add hard mode with no pistol, health restore and teleport. And making physical objects on 2D platform making me thinking can: I jump here or not?

The rules seems to be wrong

The stealth-type game, while not a new idea, is still pretty appealing. Games such as Thief: Deadly Shadows are made so the player pretty much HAS to be stealthy, as being detected is almost always a death sentence. That is not the case in this game; the player actually can survive combat if he is detected.

However, I am finding that certain problems with the game completely ruin it's enjoyment factor. For one, the game states that a knife kill is silent, however multiple times I have been spotted after knifing someone. Another big problem is the enemies' ability to detect the player. Sometimes, it seems like these people have eyes in the backs of their heads or a sixth sense or something; I will be flattened against a wall or crouched behind a box, out of the line of sight of all enemies on the screen, and without moving or doing anything, all of them suddenly notice me somehow. And speaking of crouching behind objects, this should shield the player from the enemies' line of sight; many times I am detected by a patrolling enemy that somehow sees me when I'm hiding behind a short wall or a box. Additionally, sometimes the perspective was a huge hindrance on navigation; I couldn't accurately tell the depth or height of various platforms. Teleport should not be able to be used without a directional button; if the player presses Shift, the teleport skill is activated, but the player doesn't move. Granted, teleport recharges rather quickly but pressing Shift a slight moment before pressing the directional button might cause a player to get detected and/or killed. Lastly, the delay after clicking the mouse button to shoot is extremely annoying... why is that even present in the game? The only thing it does is make things more difficult for the player.

I wasn't able to get very far in the game, as I got too irritated with the flaws to continue, but one suggestion that I have is to add an enemy counter when the player is detected. Enemies run in from off-screen, but there's no way to know exactly how many you're going to need to kill. It sucks to waste all your ammo thinking there will only be 2 enemies only to have another group rush out at you.

u know the part where u have to jump and teleport?

why did u have to make so tricky? i lost all the interest from there
Thought I finally got it, but NOOOOOOOOooooooooo
I guess I pressed shift a little late and I fell down the ground where I would have to jump teleport from the fu************* beginning.
That stage was a little more than a challenge.
Sometimes, you wouldnt know if the platform on the other side is as same height as where im standing on.
and watsup with a second delay before shooting?
couldve been much better game

just like what happened to mirror's edge. great style, great gaming, but a little frustrating level design let down many fans. I guess this one goes as well.

It's HARD like you said

Coordinating jumps and teleportation is a pain in the S
The silent kill is a little buggy. Many times the guards are alerted by an injuring stab. I like the game though

needs some work

its a nice game and everything is smooth but I was having some trouble grasping the depth and at times wasnt sure if I was above,below, or level with the enemies so it made the game seem a bit unfair when planning tactics. next time you need to work on shadows in order to give a sense of relation to objects