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Reviews for "Creeping"

Ok game

A game that could of been one of my all time favorites, but is marred by its flaws.

Game is much too hard..yes challenge is a good thing but imo the levels just aren't created very well. This is supposed to be a stealth first game, but I'm willing to bet a lot of money that in most people beat a level by combat at least 90% of the time. That's just not very well designed.

And its very hard to tell where an enemy can see and what openings between the wall are visible. And a lot of these levels the enemy sees you a couple of seconds after the level starts as you barely even see where you are. Seriously? We're not masters of the game who have played this over and over, we are all beginners to your game. Simply too hard.

Game is a little glitchy. Enemies stuck in ground...one time I was jumping directly horizontal and ended up falling down a hole that was on a differental horizontal level than I jumped from.

Why no music?? You could have a serious stealth game and have music, like MSG. Lack of music is very puzzling.

I did manage to beat the game btw despite the difficulty, but it wasn't as fun as I thought it could be. And I hate it when you spend a long time beating a game like this, and then get one picture and "The End" for an ending. At least give us a couple of sentences, something like that would go a LONG way.

This isn't a game I'd recommend to my friends to play, and I'm leaving the game pretty unsatisfied. But I'll give the game a seven because the idea and potential for a really great game is there.

fun, but flawed.

my problem with this game is that it's actually too hard to be stealthy; i ended up gunning all enemies down. its stealth part is too flawed... for example, depth perception. sometimes i can't immediately figure out if i can jump unto something, or if my bullets are gonna hit walls. knife kills, which should be silent, are not. enemies spot you even if you kill with the knife. additionally, the AI is too omniscient. they detect me even when there's a two walls between us. and the teleport, while neat, is hard to do while jumping because apparently you can teleport without moving.
i give it a 6, but it fails as a stealth game.

Great concept, not so grat game EXPERIENCE

I am emohasizing experience so you din't think i hate the game. I love it. In fact, its amazing. The problem was the gun. He takes a half second to pull the trigger, you get 13 bullets, and then you run out of bullets within seconds. I would give a bigger clip and make the guards no so super human senses when it comes too being alerted. I still liked it but it was kinda confusing with the vertical structures. I mean, trying to get on a platform across from you seems like its just a step away but come to find put its to high or too big of a gap. But iot was an amazing concept. please make improvements.

Pretty good

Combat was meh, teleportation is obviously the key factor to the game.
However due to an awkward angle its hard to judge alot of teleports.

This problem occurs with vertical gaps.
level 22 is a prime example, its got tons of gaps, the worse being verticle ones.

Its all the same level, but theres an illusion thats theres 3 levels of height.
Most of the time, the teleport just doesnt make it, AS if it was a different height level.

I would find myself teleporting to the platorm above and fall to my death, when i should have cleared it easily.

It was just a pain in the ass.

heh heh

I thought it was pretty damn awesome, to be honest. I loved the boss battle... if there's more than one, I apologize, but the one with the MG and shield. I didn't beat it, obviously, but it was most certainly fun. Teleporting from place to place, stabbing people in the back, stealing their ammo, then teleporting elsewhere... I wonder how afraid the NPC's may've gotten. I kinda agree with Ricky about the pause before shooting... but once you figure out the timing, it's pretty easy. I'm kinda a stealth fan, so this was pretty fun, even with the difficulty. Not sure how it can improve, either than the 2.5D graphics getting a slight upgrade... it *was* kind of confusing at first, and that shotgun on the boss level was pretty well disguised...eh. I give 'er a five :3