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Reviews for "Project: Game Over Ep.3A"

I've watched you a while now...

Well, I have watched your Project: Game Over videos so far...
I gotta say: Son, I'm disapoint!
Your animations are 'way' to stiff. The movements in a fight are supposed to be fluent like water, but here, they aren't. So, poor work on the Sprites.
Ssome of the fights are just totaly at random by the way.
For example: Why did Dark Link appear in the first place, and why did he beat up Aganim befor fighting Link?
Also, I can't see why how some of the matchups should have happend.
Example: Shadow just like that thinks he should pay a visit to Knuckles, Shadow of all persons who is a total loner.
Also, next to the match ups beeing totaly random, the voice acting is crapy, and I personaly don't apreciate it at all. We grew up seeing almost voiceless characters, only some screams and growl like Link does ever left the lips of those childhood heroes(I give you credti for at least 'not' giving Link a voice act), and it should stay that way, yet you give them crappy, realy crappy voiceacting. Some were well done, I admit, like Bowser or Eggman but listen to Shadow, Ganondorf or even worse Sephiroth. His voiceactors are totaly unic, no copying possible. The worst was Metha-Knight. Does he even have a voice? I can't remember him ever having had a voice.
I give you a tip, watch Super Mario Bros. Z and learn from Alvin-Earthworms piece of 'art'. These Sprites are awesome, no voiceacting, just the typical ones, and except for little things most of what happens 'by chance' happens only to further the progress of the story.
And different than this, while hell reigns on earth at it's brink of destruction, he keeps his humor.

Dan-Dark responds:

When I started to read your review I knew you are one hard fan of smbz and his style, and I was not wrong about that when I finished to read it. I don't want to make the fights like smbz...
I think ALL IS SMBZ for you. *claps* I don't care.
Im not sure if the voice acting was crap, I really appreciate how my friends are helping me in PGO., not all the people want to help me in this, also I wanted to bring creativity but It's hard to me.
thanks for the review, I KNOW and I ADMIT I'm not the best...neither the Worst.
My life, for now, is school and work...hard to make it better.

the only one "learning" I need, it's my speaking...I usually don't speak english, only spanish, but I'm still studying to improve.