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Reviews for "Night of the Cursed"

You did... Well?

FIRST: I wanna notice author, that i give this game no stars BECAUSE there's nothing to rate. I think fixed version will be a very good game. This is can be absolutely new game, because in this game flashlight is way more helpfull. I really enjoyed this, and, this remind me condemned:criminal origins. Making new flashlight physics is difficult, but you can earn 10 stars! I see you tried to do it, but you fail... a little ;) Tips:
1) When i shoot, i cannot see little flash from the gun.
2) In hard mode, add friendlyfire.
3) Adding multiplayer will be too soon.
4) I did not completed the first part lol:D.

The games sooooooooooooooooo old.

Everyone makes these games make a different version of it.I realy hate the thing how you must pay to get the guns that actualy work well.Hasn't it sunk in on people yet that people hate paying to play a online game?

To easy, items suck, glitchy, fail pay content.

Seeing as how this is a commercial product I am going to gleefully tear into this poor excuse for a game. First off it is the WORST zombie game to ever hit NG. It is a dumbed down copycat of way way way better zombie games that actually deserved their spot on the front page. Secondly, its glitchy as heck: zombies walking through walls, character constantly stuck in the wall, not allowed to buy traps or weapons and forced to start another round. Not that you need any of the cruddy weapons or traps. The only useful item is the M2 w/clip which is easily saved up for because this game is like pre school easy and you don't actually need to really buy anything other than the machine gun. The idea that you want to charge people money to add trivial items to this game is LAUGHABLE! Though I wish I payed the real money to get help from that Cindy Loper wannabe prostitute you threw in there for the lulz.

Glitchy indeed..

I didn't find myself freezing like others claim, but I found the AI of the partner to drop dead at times. She'd just stand in one place and rapidly spin, doing nothing. At other times, she'd just shoot straight into a wall, rather than the enemy.

It was fun otherwise, though I disapprove of using real money for something as small as a Flash-game.

Voices were a good touch though.

glitchy beyond belief

it was ok..way way WAY too glitchy. every second when u were walking you would just stop. why do u need "gamergold" to buy half the stuff