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Reviews for "Night of the Cursed"

pretty good

nothing awesome but a like

I don't see why people are giving this 1s

Its decent and easy but entertaining... the problem I have is that the game is glitchy, constantly during the game my character woulf lock up and walk in a certain direction and I had no idea when he would stop, he would just shelter himself up against a wall for sometimes a whole round and ultimately that is what got me killed.


THIS GAME BORES THE LIVING CRAP OUTTA ME. Its too easy. I stopped playing at round 14 or something since it just got too boring. Make it harder, more places to visit, more zombies or maybe a better storyline or something. And also Why the hell do I wanna buy stuff with real money?

Good but...

A good zombie survival , but too damn easy , you make money too fast, the zombies are too weak . Needs more kind of enemies

People who got glitches that prevented them from..

.. playing the game. You are the lucky ones. I honestly wish I was impaired from playing this, this... monstrosity!

First off, it's far to easy. All you need is the AK or HMG and you're set. This so called hard mode is pointless and easy mode was like picking daisies in a field where all the zombies happen to be no more then harmless grass. You walk all over them and they don't do anything. All the upgrades make no sense and for that matter make the player who is already OP for any normal human, basically a demi god. Let alone the traps, Just lay mines, mines that seem to replace themselves every few seconds, mind you they aren't to OP considering sometimes they explode and nothing dies... wait that's most likely a glitch... If you truly want to balance the game, try adding things like having to buy ammo, and limit the mines, and for that matter everything else in the game.

Another thing you need to think about is this; THERE ARE ONLY LIKE TWO KINDS OF ZOMBIES! The art is not great, and lot's of it is gray... Its like "AH, INVASION OF THE REALLY BADLY DRESS CULT!" I'm sitting there counting how many of the same color shirts I see because it's not like I'm in any danger as stated before. Add more zombies, Add things that have moving... limbs... even though they are rotting they are still moving! Have things like RUNNERS, and things that don't just mindlessly walk into a wall of bullets. They did kinda start running... but then I saw it was the same cult as before in their same color shirts.

Thirdly, the AI in the game confused me. Sometimes the girl would literally be Rambo and pull out an AK-47 slaughtering countless in her wake. Other times she would sit back, stare out a window and say "I think I'll let you handle it. Not that we are in any real danger anyways, right?" Then the tedious job of cutting the "grass" was once again the mans work.

Another thing being the story, or lack of one rather. It seemed promising from the point of having a flashlight and creeping in a building for a night to the random girl who ran into the building. However all of it epically failed when nothing really came of it. I was expecting going from building to building trying to survive and leaving friends behind when the going got tough. Actually here's an idea, do that. Add the ability to leave the building at some point to find a better place or so on, or for that matter, just escaping. Also add people who will randomly come to the buildings or be in the buildings you come across. Like have a gang or something at some point and they'll be all like "This is our HQ state your business or get shot!" Something like that might be fun!

The game play is, aside from easy, very simple. In the sense It's like asteroids, nothing new. You added zombies skins and took away the fact the asteroids fall apart and come at you. Come to think of it... that's what made the game hard... While it's a timeless classic, games like this don't add enough to make it good to play. If you had a story it might drive people to play. If it was challenging people would enjoy playing it. Sadly it lacks in both, meaning BACK, TO THE FUTURE! Wait... no wrong saying...

Lastly might I add, no one should pay for this... not only is it full of glitches, simple, has no meat to chew (despite all the decaying flesh..), graphically unappealing, easy, no story, and the fact you'll be bored out of you mind (as if a zombie ate your brain) before you even figure out you CAN pay real money to buy in game stuff. -Deep breath- You don't need any of the so called "Enhancements" Because of, well all the stuff i went over like being a DEMI GOD!

One star out of ten! For effort!

One last thing to the creator: Please don't be disheartened by this. Many great men have flopped before becoming great. You only fail if you give up. I hope that one day you make a game for the records, however; this is not it. Not unless you change a lot of it. That being said, good luck and have a- _ -SMASH- "BRRAAAIINNNNSSSS" _ What !? OH GAWD THEY FOUND ME! SOMEONE HEL-