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Reviews for "Dead Frontier: Outbreak 2"

I am awe-struck...

Ok, to begin with.
I wasn't expceting it to be a interactive novel but very soon i found myself intruiged and interested.
I felt that this was a really interesting interactive novel to follow, it was very immersive and indeed it had a very well written script.
The music blended nicely with the narrator and the mood, making you not think about it so much and just be dragged along for the ride.

Now, what i felt was interesting was the scoring of the decisions you took during the course of the game.
Now, obviously i have an unhealthy interest for zombie outbreaks and even GM a few games, which made me think; How would i test my fellow players in a situation as this and such.
And as a side effect of the interest managed not to die once and score an A+ on both categories while fullfilling both objectives.

I really am looking forward to the next sequel, but before that, i will play the previous entry.
Good work, keep it coming.




i would go into extravagant detail about this unique game/stories epicness but its 4:00 in the morning so ill deter from that. i got survived day:yes got the antibiotics:yes Tactics:A compassion:A beat you sleepysrh :P


I love teh story and the game its all very attractive

Love these games!

Absolutely great! So interactive! Better than #1 keep them comin'