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Reviews for "Hippolyta"

This game is amazing. But it could be improved on

I only have a few minor complaints and suggestions about this game:
-The farmers and the Duelists sound a little too alike at times. Even you admit that the sound is a key part of the game and it sucks when accidentally throw a spear instead of shielding because I hear someone shout "DIE!" because I think it's a farmer only to get mowed down by a duelist.
->I noticed there is a bit of a lag when achievements are awarded and after blocking something with your shield even when playing on low quality and on a relatively new computer. However, I've only had this adversely affect my run once, and get a perverse satisfaction from being informed about how many hoplites and farmers I've killed in the middle of a run. The only reason I brought this up was it might be something you want to look into if you plan on making a sequel with more features.
->I would also like it if you added a small map of the level so I could see how far away I am from finishing a level. I know it might take away from the stunning graphics of the game, but it would be extremely helpful for me to know whether I needed to speed up or slow down in order to finish a run quickly enough to get awarded SP for it (trying to get through level 4 while going full speed the whole way in order to make sure that you finish in under 3:00 is really hard)
->Make it so that survival mode is measured by distanced travelled rather than by time taken. Going faster makes the game harder, and it seems only fair that we should be awarded based on the difficulty of a task rather than how long we lasted before screwing up.
->Maybe make a practice mode where the user could chose which enemies they would encounter so we can practice on certain enemies we are having difficulty with. (for me it's finding enough time to spear those damn farmers after blocking a duelist and I'm sure I'd get better at it if I could run through a course where I'd only have to encounter peasants and duelists)

The reason this game is so fantastic is that it manages to be hard as hell without being unfair. Sure you may have a run or two were lag or closely placed obstacles may make it nearly impossible to have survived, but usually you die because you made a mistake and you genuinely deserve to die for it. That is why this game is so addictive and fun. It's not fun when you die because the game is being unfair, but it know that you can avoid dying the next time if you just remember that you have to go over the Hoplite and not through it, or remember not to panic and jump into a tree branch like a dumbass when you hear someone shout "DIE SLAVE". You have created a game that manages to be addictive while still being ridiculously fun the entire time.

In short: Addictive Gameplay, Great Graphics, Surprisingly good voice acting and a solid story all come together to create a game that will most definitely be a nominee for next years Tank awards.

Though indeed

Incredible game! I sure is though as hell especially as I'm pretty tired right now and it took me some time to figure out how to get through some obstacles but I like challenges and this game sure brings a good one! The visual is unique and great, the soundtrack fits the style well too and the sound fx are well done. THe animation's pretty good either and there's not cut in the various movements and actions. The whole narrative makes the simple storyline very addictive and I love the whole "No that's not how it happened." concept. Someday I shall be able to get through this game but til' then, keep up the great work!

little guide w/ voice guide

Well, 1st of all.... never use S key unless you need to. I thought it was slow down until it wouldn't let me do anything else for about 3 secs. (P.S: S is block)

Ok sound REALLY helps but if someone is sleeping or w/e just turn it low.
here are the voices:
block arrows---incoming! arrows! spoken by hippolyta
dodge arrows---behind us! watch your back (i think) also spoken by hippolyta
farmer---You will die slave! stop! stop!
hoplite---See you in hell! some other phrase spoken in a brutal voice
duelist---prepare yourself! its just you and me!
hope it helps i dont have any for rider sorry and there really isn't any for obstacles. hope it helps


this game is so amazing like the game is so hard its funbut the furthist I get is level three and mess but awesome game man!!!!


Really fun...and great game..The thing I liked the most is..that when something or someone is coming...Hippolyta says it...or the enemy warns you...So if you die..you can only blame yourself....not the game