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Reviews for "VVVVVV Demo"

WOW chalanging fun hard hard and umm hard but i li

you would think the 8-bit tone to it would make it easy but WOW this is hard as rock(joke) i mean the speed need to be a little lower so you have time to react insensibly easy for mega game geeks but i have a bit of a trouble no offense to game geeks though i am 1 my self still pretty hard but LOVE IT DON'T STOP THE MUSIC YA <3 <3 <3

You're evil.

First, you give us an awesome demo. Then, you make us pay for the full game. I hate it when people do that. I think you should make the whole game free. Only then will I be happy.

P.S. I found a bug. Sometimes, when I let go of the button (any button), the game will think I'm still holding it. For example, if this occurs with the left key, Viridian will keep moving left after I let go (to those who don't know, Viridian is the person you're playing). Can you fix that?

P.P.S. To those whom it may concern: The game is called VVVVVV because of the names of the crew members:

1. Viridian
2. Vermillion
3. Violet
4. Verdigris
5. Vitellary
6. Victoria

Did you notice that all of their initials are V? Also, since there are six of them, there are six Vs. Do you get it now?

Original and fun

I have bought the Full version of VVVVVV a few months ago, and I do not refret it a single bit.

This is the most inovative, addicting indie game that I have ever played. Ever since I played the demo here, on Newgrounds, I was amazed by it. It is simple, yet complex and dificult at certain points. The "One-Minute Up-and-Down" screen got me stuck for a while.

The music is also addictive. The simple characters and graphics contribute to the simple awesomeness of VVVVVV. Even the game title is well thought; not only it represents the game's six characters' names, all starting with the letter "V", but represents the act of going up and down, up and down, up and down.

The mechanics makes simple concepts be hard as hell. The hardest tinket in the game is behind a 4x4 pixel block. Since you can't jump, you have to go up through lots of screens filled with spikes, only to return down and get the shiny triket.

Congratulations to the authors, for VVVVVV is a masterpiece among indie games. If you played this demo, BUY THE GAME.

I bought the 3DS version. All I have to say is that if I even try to put a rating on it, it would be an insult to VVVVVV.
