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Reviews for "zOMGies"

rate my pooh!

yeah im number 2 in the todays highscorelist :D

good game!

VERY entertaining!

i'm on like level 52 and this game is still fun! even if it is repetitive it's still really great. a second one with upgrade systems or something would blow me away.

Great game with some flaws

This game is pretty fun and fast paced. I really love running and killing zombies, so yeah.

But, there are some flaws in this game. For one, the shotgun and flamethrower feel really weak and rather useless. The shotgun only does damage at really close range which is kinda OK, but the damage it does is so low that it just isn't worth it.

The flamethrower also has a short range which is fine for it but it doesn't deal as much damage as it should and for some reason doesn't do anything when zombies are really close. The shotgun should do a tad more damage and the flamethrower should set zombies on fire so they die slowly.

Now, another problem with this game is the sound in general. The weapons are practically mute most of the time. I suggest increasing. It would be cool if the flamethrower was like "fwooooosh" or whatever instead of pretty much nothing too.

The walking speed also seems to be way too slow, but that's not really such a problem as it adds a bit of difficulty.

This game is still pretty fun to play and I really like it, but it would be much better if the flaws I mentioned were addressed.

good game

lots of fun :) good job


i lik teh zombiez