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Reviews for "The Swords"


my english isn't the best...

the game is good. i like that it is easy to move and attack without a lot of combos
(often you need different keys and numbers for various attacks)
but the strength of the enemies is boring.
so i give you 5

i could not find a way to safe my game

um, no thanks

Ok, gameplay was bearable I guess, the art was just awesome, but this is still kind of a crappy game.

First of all, why does "Forces of darkness" mean cute little chickens and rams and pigs? Second off, DEAR SWEET CHRIST HIRE A TRANSLATOR. I couldn't even read the dialogue without losing IQ points. The money system was flawed, in that pretty much all of it goes towards healing your retarted partner, who's only purpose is to take hits apparently.

I was horribly dissappointed by this game, but points for effort.

Little bit of this, and a little bit of that.

While I found myself enjoying the game at the start I couldn't get over the thought that the game just seemed like combo of a few different games. . You used music from Wild Arms, you used some graphics (or very near) of the new THQ Dragonica online game.. Nicely done game, but needs more original content. Keep it up. Look forward to the next game.


Cute but generic really. It's a brawler with rpg elements and doesn't do anything new with the subject material. Even worse was all the talk characters made about demons and then you fight pigs, chickens, crabs and monkeys? Nothing special, and generally bland.

wtf... those wernt demonds!!!

they where furry fuckin animals!!!! OH SHIT IM SO SCARRED! thanks for the save system prick! i found this game to unberable to play in one sitting, so i came back later, and i had to start over!