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Reviews for "Dragon Boy"

oh my GOD

this was amazing... and i couldn't even finish the game! I like the dragon the best

Dragon Boy 2: The Rogue Dragon ^_^

Not quite done with hard mode.
One thing I can offer is this:

Pause before going to the items menu to stop the attack lag that occurs.

Great Game!

This game has a nice unique leveling system. Armor for main character. Levels for magic up on caster, and food for HP on dragon (cap 600). I've just completed the game on HARD and is currently level 49.

Here's a few things I didn't like / bugs:
- Money DOES NOT save when you exit the game and come back (granted it's useless after you have all your equipment)
- Mage shadows you, she shouldn't! She should be next to the dragon.
- Dragon's Fire Breath is weak. WHY? It's a DRAGON!
- Hard mode, i spent most of the time letting my Dragon attack offscreen while I hid until I received proper armor... which doesn't drop until valley level 4, both HARD and NORMAL mode.
- Screen jitters when caster dies.
- Screen jitters when I attack the large mob all at once (having all enemies crammed in a corner wailing on them). I think this is due to the high crits, and each crit jitters the screen since it is semi-constant.
- Heading to inventory enemies still attacks for about 5 seconds, no time to eat my meat. Should of been a shortcut key, like 1,2,3 and so on.

Other then that, I like the D2 gameplay feeling.

Grinding: These area gives the fastest and easiest exp.
< 20 Camp Site Boss
< 30 Valley Level 7 (Great for farming too!) NORMAL
< 35 Training Site Level 1 NORMAL
> 36 Valley Level 7 HARD
> 40 Training Site Level 1 HARD

They repeat, but by god does the drops and exp worth it. After level 47 leveling get's REAL REAL slow, and 49... Jesus that is boring. Great D2 feel... lol

Best method is to kite (round them up) and have them walk towards the dragon so he can wale on the mob. Forget the caster, she's useless. I found that she ONLY attacks when enemies attacks or get too close to you and in some cases frozen. Max out NOVA first, put 1 into Casting rate, Max Frozen Armor, then Casting Rate or Regenerate. Orb is kinda useless but will do HIGH damage later in the game... at the cost of EXTREME grinding.

I maxed out Regeneration second because I gather the enemies a lot and let my dragon wail on them so naturally, I got hit a bit. Hiding and regeneration of health was key while I didn't have my armor. This way takes a while to beat the game.

Frozen armor should be maxed second or third. Having enemies frozen for 4 seconds (6 with MAX cast rate) is a god send. You can kill most before they recover! I found myself, especially at the Hill Top gathering the spearmen in a corner. Letting them hit me to freeze them in place, running to the Revivers and kill them alone. This was the best method I could think of and it worked.

In HARD mode, you WILL be useless until you gain the axe and mace. Place Cameron's in your main hand and Luemas in your off to increase attack speed. You will be GOD when you have your final equipment. You will cut everything down at an extreme rate, with high life leech, getting hit will not matter. The shield is useless until you get to the final dragon.

Level 49 Stats:
This is what you should look like with your final armor on wielding dual weapons, axe and mace.

191 Primary Weapon
111 Secondary Weapon
03 Speed
890 Life
11 Life Steal
48 Knockback
52% Defense
00% Chance to block
70% Chance to block (with shield for dragon)
40% Avoid Attacks
60% Double Damage

Spent about 6 hours over two day period playing this game. Was fun!
Thanks for the great game, I wouldn't mind a sequel!


This game combines easy to pick-up-and-play controls with a cool story and sweet graphics. Not to mention interesting weapons and quests! With the exception of a few glitches and the fact that level grinding can become a little tedious after a while, this is gaming nirvana for players who want a simple, fun gaming experience. Then, after the first time through the game, it evolves into a more serious and just as much fun game in hard mode. A larger degree of customization and sharper graphics would make this game shine. It is, without a doubt, a game you will play over and over.

Addicted to This

This game is great. It's the kind of game that I will definitely play again. I hope you make a sequal, I was playing this game until 2 in the morning last night! And today I beat it =). Great job.