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Reviews for "The Will of One"


I didn't like the music, it's totally not my style. However, I really loved the video! Great sprite vid!!! Music costs you three points, vid itself gets full score :)

good and bad

I liked the setting and the scene you created. Interesting backstory, as well. the animation was smooth, and i enjoyed the overall style.

my biggest problem was the audio. i dont know if its just the compression or the actual singer, but the vocals sounded really bad. very shrill and airy. also some trouble hitting the notes.

like i said, the animation was really cool and interesting, but next time, choose better audio.

KarmaKimmy7 responds:

It's certainly not the singer, because Panther is the most talented mofo I've ever heard. ;)

I'm sorry it sounded bad to you. I used a good mp3, and it sounded good in all my tests. Again, I have pretty decent computer speakers. The vocals do have a synthy edge on them, so maybe that's your issue... You should check out the bands website, and see if it sounds better to you there. You may find their newer stuff (Act II) more appealing, as it's much more refined.

Thanks for your review! I really do appreciate every single one. ^.^

why then?

the sad thing is that the world really is this way in real life i love the death we bring i love the destruction so why then should we change what we know we can't? you all know that the world is dieing and reason is the creature is called humans wow real surprise right?


As before, the visuals great. Normally sprite animations aren't really my thing, but I think this captures the feel of the song incredibly well! Re: The drawn segment, if you keep using that style in the future you should try to integrate it more smoothly. The random switch was jarring.

The sound quality is better than last time, but it's still pretty bad. I know you already told someone else that you got the tracks directly from the CD, so I have no idea what happened there, but the difference I'm hearing is absolutely insane. If it wasn't for that I could easily bump my rating up a point or two.

The subtitles was a nice touch. I do hope you continue doing Protomen videos in the future. :D

It was alright

It was alright, didnt like the song that much but it synced well to the video and atleast you put some time into it.