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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"

Well, one thing is true

You really did put your soul into this. However, you sold your soul doing so, making it pay content. Until it's free or someone leaks the full version, you'll get no respect from me.

Honestly i LOVE exmortis but

this little stunt your pulling here is greedy and fucking sellout-ish. Id understand putting in maybe a donation thing. Hell if it were donation i'd throw in 10 bucks but your basicly demanding money for the full game when the first 2 were free. So with that being said. Time to find a torrent,

LefflerWebDesign responds:

See previous author response. Wash, rinse & repeat.

Nineteen dollars for a flash game made me lol.

Talk about selling out. Not for nothing but a flash game really shouldn't shoot up that high. Indie Games at Steam are cheaper than this, and way more interactive. I mean, don't get me wrong, I believe in turning a profit, but 19 dollars for a flash game really isn't the right way of making one. I understand you probably are going " :/" to the reviews complaining about this, but what can you expect? People would rather buy an Indie Game, than a flash game for that kind of money.

LefflerWebDesign responds:

I'm sure that if you looked past the first page of reviews here that you will actually find that most of the complaints being made about Exmortis 3 have focused on the issue of paying for it in general - not necessarily the price tag being asked.

Addressing the price point, that was a business decision and thus not mine... You may claim $19 is too much - and that is a valid opinion. However thousands (and I'm talking MANY thousands of people) since September 2009 have thought otherwise and purchased at this price... so I think we must be doing something right for "nothing but a flash game".

As for your comment about selling out - it's time for some copy pasta:

For 4 years I worked on Exmortis 3 on-and-off. I ended up logging over 2000 hours of development time in the final year alone. As I have said many times previously, if it weren't for me being employed to develop the game commercially - there is no way in hell it could have been made without delivering a sub-standard product.

For those of you who purchased the game and/or stuck with me all this time - thank you for the support and for making it possible to deliver my vision.

For those of you who are disappointed or angered by the decision to make this a commercial title, I understand and I empathize with you. I hope you can understand why the series had to evolve in this manner.

But for those of you who hide behind anonymity and only seek to fuel the internet hate machine with pointless vitriol... I have no time for you. Enjoy your sad empty little lives.


i rly dont like when ppl put games on newgrounds that aren't the full version and try to get you to pay for it. for a flash game. lame. it looks cool but i wont pay 19 bucks for it

LefflerWebDesign responds:

Sorry. I must of misread the Newgrounds slogan. I didn't realize it was "Everything by everyone - but only if it's free" ... my bad.

This sucks

I liked the original 2 But having to pay and all this psycic and helth stuff just makes it really bad