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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"

X( ..... why?...


LefflerWebDesign responds:

As far as reviews go, this is most definitely the Citizen Kane of responses. Pure genius.


Tottaly awsome game. All my 5's! big props to ya. But srry I rated u 0's instead with 0 stars. My reason for doing so is this, I applaud you for going the extra mile and making a buck for yourself but seriously? I mean Newgrounds is supposed to be everything by everyone, not everyone by who can afford it. I'll probably lose my account for this but why would you use a sight to build up such a reputation with the Exmortis series if you were planning to charge people after they've come so far to the end? I feel let down by such a sell-out move on your part. I've played the demo and I have nothing to complain about except the fact that it explains nothing about the exmortis. You'd think by playing your demo we'd get to uncover more of the story, as to who Mr. Hanney is and why he ended up where he is. A big disappointment for me man. Doesn't mean I won't buy the game. My review does not reflect the gameplay or design at all. Only the extremely uninformative demo. If you think I'm wrong then comment back. And explain exactly why I'm wrong, because I'd really like to know. Thank You.


Five dollars would be a rip-off, and you're asking for twenty. I can buy an XBox arcade game for five dollars. Even by pay-and-play standards you're an ass.

Also, do you not get the concept of Newgrounds? What, do you not want us to play this game?



Your a sell out! A fucking sell out! The game isn't even scary anymore!

I agree with deadlyfish!

You Ben you should not make money like this maby you should just say us all of us can serpourt you instead you make us PAY for this game!