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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"

love this and the entire series

When I first played the first Exmortis, I got instantly hooked. Now that I play this, I see I had a reason to be hooked to this series! I loved this one even though it was just a demo, I really wish I could buy it to fully complete it. But I really need to keep my money saved up... since, well ya know, I have other things I need to pay for. But still, you didn't even stumble when it came to impressing me in this series. I also loved the graphics and how you added new "powers" that was an exciting twist to the series. I really wish people would stop calling you a greedy bastard though. They should realize by now that you NEED the money or else we won't see anymore work quite like this. I'm giving this game a 10 and a 5 for sheer epicness, and I'll think about buying it!

Complete fan!

For all of you out there who call Ben a greedy bastard, you have to see it from his eyes. He has a vision, and in order to make it better, it isn't cheap at all, and I'm sure he devotes more time and effort to this than most of you devote to your everyday jobs. This is his artistic passion and dream, and if at any time he wants to start charging you for his work, more power to him. An artist has to start somewhere, but once they get where they need to be, they need to start asking for money to keep up the quality, otherwise you will see his work deteriorate. Good job, Ben, Keep up the good work.

Ben Long

LefflerWebDesign responds:

Cheers buddy. For 4 years I worked on Exmortis 3 on-and-off. I ended up logging over 2000 hours of development time in the final year alone. As I have said many times previously, if it weren't for me being employed to develop the game commercially - there is no way in hell it could have been made without delivering a sub-standard product.

For those of you who purchased the game and/or stuck with me all this time - thank you for the support and for making it possible to deliver my vision.

For those of you who are disappointed or angered by the decision to make this a commercial title, I understand and I empathize with you. I hope you can understand why the series had to evolve in this manner.

But for those of you who hide behind anonymity and only seek to fuel the internet hate machine with pointless vitriol... I have no time for you. Enjoy your sad empty little lives.


I liked it and all but when did the powers come in? In the original game, you found a lonely house in the woods, and scavanged through it in hopes that you could somehow escape. 2 Games later, you come crashing to earth on a meteor and you use superhuman powers to destroy things...I was hoping it would be more like the first one, all scary and suspenceful. But otherwise it was a great game and I liked it!

LefflerWebDesign responds:

The introduction of powers was a decision to differentiate this game from the previous 2. It also served as way of allowing you to evolve your character to the point of being powerful enough to face off against the lead antagonist. I really wanted to make this game vastly different to the previous two without stepping too far away from what made them popular.


well this is a great demo but like everyone else,people dont like to pay lol (i still dont have a member acount on rune scape :)) but it looks amazining and hopefully the full is just as good as the first two,and no ofence intended but the whole "powers" idea made it like resedent evil 5,not that its a bad game but it takes away the horror factor like this has done. and lastly,just why would you make people pay for this game?im not being rude i relly want to know if it was nessisary to the game its self. well tank you for your time
(and the 8 is for the game its self not for the fact you must pay for the full) and hopefully a number four will kick ass like the classic exmortis.

Great demo!

I've been a fan of your work ever since I played Exmortis, and if I bought the full version of this I am sure you would not let me down. Your work has been amazing from the start, and I am not here to criticize your work like many people before (and most likely after) this comment. In addition to praising your creations, I mainly posted here to ask you this: in your Talking About Games interview, you mentioned that we all would be able to play through the ending of the game in the free version. Did something happen there to change that? Feel free to respond here, or you can send me a PM about it, whichever floats your boat.

And lastly, thank you for making such great games. Best of luck to you and the others at Fizzy.

LefflerWebDesign responds:

Cheers for the kind words... The original plan was to have multiple endings and more than one path to conclude the arc. Unfortunately I ran out of time to bring the plan to action, hence the linear storyline and single cannon ending. The honor system would have been integral in your path chosen, and subsequent ending. In the end I had to tack on an achievement system to add validity to the many actions that were left in the game that served no purpose to the final outcome. I guess the final product wasn't exactly how I expected it to turn out, but the storyline path and ending that was ultimately used was as intended. I've copped a tirade of scorn as a result, but so be it. The plan changed and production had to adapt. In the end I am happy with the final product.