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Reviews for "Ricochet Kills"

Clever idea, but no twists

Since every puzzle had you in the same spot, you could just adjust your angle a little bit and rattle off the shots. There were a few where I stopped actually aiming and still won on the first attempt.

Throw in some more puzzle elements: switches, mirrors, items that let you blast special types of walls, stuff like that, stuff that makes me think.

my level

mx6=100&my5=170&mx5=45&my4=120&mx4=95 &my3=70&mx3=50&my2=190&mx2=495&my1=28 0&mx1=265&by18=70&bx18=80&by17=100&bx 17=30&by16=150&bx16=80&by15=200&bx15=
by12=260&bx12=500&by11=220&bx11=480&b y10=220&bx10=430&by9=280&bx9=440&by8=
270&bx8=340&by7=300&bx7=280&by6=300&b x6=220&by5=270&bx5=310&by4=240&bx4=28 0&by3=210&bx3=250&by2=240&bx2=220&by1 =270&bx1=190&men=8&blocks=18&levname=


Nicely done, well thought out and like all games just gets harder, but then still repeditive


i like the concept... but it just gets a bit boring and repetitive. Nonetheless, good try!


Not bad, Still a bit boring...