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Reviews for "Wizard Defense"

not too bad

The other reviewers are right, this IS a very hard game. But I thought that the challenge was the best part. I was able to get up to level 17, but my village had basically no health by then. Maybe consider making it just a bit easier.

I found that the level 2 and 3 lightning spells were completely worthless, as was the level 2 fire spell. Why not make these more powerful so that the player might actually think about using them?

Some tips for players: Start with the lightning spell since one damage upgrade gets you 75 dmg/hit, which means you can take out lvl 1 trinos with 2 hits exactly (you have to hit them twice without interruption otherwise they'll regen life and survive the second hit). Then get the Nova Blast spell as soon as you can, followed by the Easter Strike spell. Once you've upgraded the damage on those a bit, the levels become pretty easy until around 15. Also, the best level 3 spell is Earthquake, hands down.

lunakite responds:

Yep .
I think the main game's problem here is difficulty setting and grammar .

I took much time when designing the level and balancing it.

Thx for all feedback and review. I'll note this
when making other game.

Pff u have preoblems...

The way u did this game is cool. I like the animation, spells, spells upgrades, creeps...
What I didn't like is that you have too many classes of creeps coming at you. First you should get same creeps to about level 5 so that you can get more spells and develop much better. There are just too many types of creeps, you can't kill these with ice, you can't kill these with fire. It would be MUCH MORE EASIER AND MUCH MORE FUN if you could fix it up a little bit. Not just giving a whole horde of creeps rushing at you, at one point I was like "die you mother fuckers! just die!" xD it was pretty hard.
I like the spells and the levels of spells, it would be great if you could add a little bit radius to fire or ice spells(a little bigger radius). And the col downs were ok it was fair.
if you could make a bigger inventory were you could put 6-7 spells than just 4 spells, some times you have to wait for ever for some spells to destroy some creeps.
The village hp(if you could call it like that :P) is good but it can't stand inaf attacks, if you could put an option to refresh it hp or upgrade it in durability.
That's all I liked playing it and it's very addicting it keeps making me play it more even if I don't know how to pass some levels xP.

Not bad

Despite there being so many games like this type, this one seems to be decently solid. The sound was average, though the death cries sounded retarded. I've never shot a fox before but do they sound THAT much like a dog? The animation is good, though the artwork is off. Most of the enemies look like they came from final fantasy (the older ones) and I couldn't tell if the main character was male or female. Well that's Japanese drawing for you!


nothing can be original these days..haha
everythings done

Could've been better (Guide)

People.. buy all 4 level one spells and upgrade them all until full; put a little into the ammo and reload first, then focus mostly on upgrading damage. The game is a bit off on balancing the damage upgrades so it's to your favor until the late level 20's. don't buy any level 2's or limit breaks until you're all upgraded and have spare money! (never replace level one weapons with level two's.

For this strat, you have to shoot like mad! (If you're waiting for a spell to recharge, you're doing something wrong) just make your shots effective and it'll be easy street to level 25+!

the balance of difficulty is a bit off. GAME IS SO PLAIN!! At least a few more maps and features shouldve been in order for a top notch game.. Gameplay got tedious after a while (maybe a long-term upgrade feature or different bosses/bonuses?)