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Reviews for "Lastman"


It's playable, but that's about all the redeming qualities it has. The bad jumps, the leaps of faith, and the fact that even if you are one little pixel off on your jump you die really make the game bad.


Honestly, getting to the second buttered block area was a bit too gratuitous. The ads were a particularly annoying touch as well. I appreciate the work you put into it but....just no

i don't hate impossible games

but there's a limit to "impossibility".

I died AT LEAST 50 times (and you'll see I have the 127 deaths badge) by trying to jump the first gap. why? because my first reaction in front of a gap is to jump when I'm at the edge of it, NOT when my charachter is half on the edge, half in the gap already!

graphics were, well, not good, but didn't need anything more anyway. and it seems that it's becoming some kind of trend to make retro-style games again...

this... this... i got nothing for the title <:(

i just had to stop playing this game. i really have. because... well pretty much i know alot about games even NES games (and what i know is that alot of NES games suck) and, no offence, but this kinda acts like those terrible NES games only its not flicking around and its a flash game. but thats just it.

while i will give you 2 stars for effort thats all i can give you. the pixel graffics are fine. they were pretty good. and the sound effects were good too but they wont give you any stars and thats about all there is thats good about this game.

The bad thing is the rest. when you posted the walkthrough... that did not help at all. it really didnt. because: the controls were iritating. infact i couldnt figure out if i was running or jumping. infact the speed of movement when running... it didnt help with the trampoline part. sure i made it to the block, but then i couldnt see myself which means i have no idea where the hell i am til i fall and then its too late. also i have to run first then jump? it doesnt work when i press both buttons at same time? oh god...

also whats with the rockets bouncing? those are metal tiles not bouncing tiles like from the trampoline part. it make no sence. infact at the start how come one of the porcupines came down when the other stayed on the platform? what was it bored of being there and decided to move and fall to its death?

also an ad every 20 deaths? why not 5!?! *slaps hand on face and slowly brings it down* no wait thats a stupid idea. how bout never? the ads dont quiet the bitching, it just makes it worse.

finally the arrow tiles... what the bloody hell do they do?!? do they tell you where to go cause i already know where to go, right due to the fact you cant go back the way you went. infact why a left arrow if you cant go back? infact do these arrows even do anything? im already getting pissed just figuring out why those tiles are there anyway and what the hell they do!

also i jump, land on a crabs claw and die? i know the hit spot is above the crab but i die if i touch the crabs claw in the air!?! *shakes head sideways while pissed off in how bad the game is* thats just... i cant even say anything that doesnt have swearing in it after "thats just".

really i rather watch a very bad movie and replaying it from the beginning once it ends for a whole week while listening to the crappiest music ever while being stuck in a room thats impossible to escape from then play this for the next 5 hours, trying to beat it.

this game... is terrible and thats all i can say and i hope there will not be a sequal UNLESS the bad things turn good in that sequal.

now im not gonna be mean here so ill tell you some things:
1. try to make the controls a little better so it doesnt become very damn iritating
2. make sure, even if you jump on the crabs claw, that you can jump anywhere on the crab and defeat it. that way it will make sence.
3. dont put any ads on it if you die. it just makes the bitching worse.
4. the rockets... if they could bounce give em something that makes them look like they can bounce otherwise it makes the player confused on why the rocket is bouncing around when regular rockets cant bounce
5. dont make a walkthough for this game. it doesnt help. i mean it.
and finally 6. please make the arrows do something like give you an upgrade or something cause we know where we are going. if you cant do that get rid of them at least cause, again, we know where we are going.

thats about it. while this is a good idea for challenge, its pretty good even though its a pixel game and the sound effects are good, the controls were iritating, alot of thing didnt make sence and the ads after dying just bring more anger to the game.

which concludes this review with a score of 2/10 1/5


PiGPEN responds:

Feel better, champ.

Not Very Good

Glitches too much...