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Reviews for "Bango!"


The idea was sound but the game just got to me for some reson. I would fail misserably 9 times out of 10 and the game decided to add salt to my wounds by shoving a walkthrough in my face. I try to be self sufficent and only want help when i ask for it.

Below average

This could have been a decent/good puzzle-platformer,however it's not,as it wastes alot of potential it has.

So let's get right into the review and start with the grapics.To put it nicely,they are rather minimalistic,which is nothing too problematic seeing how it's a puzzle-platformer and as such it has no need for grand graphics/flashy effects.The only problem I have to nitpick about is the background;give us some variety for crying out loutly.It's not like the current one is a masterpiece.

The sound is,trueth to be told,nonexistant.Apart from the menusounds there's only that repetive techno-blast-music on an endless loop.It's not too terrible - I'm imagening that a blockdisappearing sound would be really pesky - but,again,some variety on the music would've been nice,since one song is not enough tokeep one entertained for 40 levels or ~20 minutes playtime.Yes,I can mute it,but what's the point of having music to begin with if all it does is forcing you to mute it?

With that out of the way,let's enter the downspirale and why this game is not above average;first of all,the leveldesign.Overall the levels are boring and repetitive due to a lack of any "real" challange,meaning that every single map was either way too easy - and the solution painly obvious - or you had to apply knowledge gained from a prior level several times in a row without an incrasment of difficulty,ie. adding varientating patterns + a multitude of colors.Best example;you never had to change colors more than twice.No going back,no letting colored blocks stay alive so you could use them as platform later.No nothing.Just repeat the same pattern over and over again.The hard/frustrating levels are disappointing to say the least;the only ones that posed a challange were the final ones of each,yet not due to a hard layout.

Another problem were the blocks themselves.Sometimes,they disappeared after I barely touched the bottomsite of a block from below,disallowing me to continue even though I didn't even "really" touch them.They also have some weird clipping-errors going on,ie. when you land on one of the block's corners you fall off even though you just barely made the jump ontop.

Now to the downright wretched core to why the game deserves no glorious praise.The controls.Luckily I didn't have any problems with the game executing commands I did not perform,ie. jumping/running continues until a command is given again quite the contrary - it did not execute commands I perfomed.Often the controls lock when I run in any direction and press/tab the up key to jump,the command is ignored and I plumel to my death - and it get's worse with restarting a level.It's a repeating issue that just ruins the game's appeal. [No,don't accuse me of having a faulty keyboard.Don't even go there.]

Letting a link to the walkthrough pop up is just the final insult to any player - have a fixed link next to the options for christ's sake.Why you could need a videowalkthrough is beyond me,since you die because either you missed a jump - which may happen to anyone - or the controls flunk out.

Short in long;
New leveldesign is a mandatory
Variety in background/-music
Fix the controls

4 out of 10.

RJGames responds:

Wow, that's a negative review, but thanks for taking the time to write so much. I will try to improve on those points for the sequel, if there's one.

Music: I agree, it isn't ultra-high quality and gets boring. Lack of sound FX.

Level design: I don't think it's as bad as you picture it, but I can try and think of some harder levels. The best solution would be a level editor. OK.

The controls: I think the real porblem here isn't controls, but key mapping. Looking back, I did a terrible work setting each key's role. That's easy to fix for a next one.


Level 26 is impossible!!!!!!!!!!

lowered newground standards..

i don't normally insult games, but this was DEFINITELY not deserving of the front page

I would 'touch' a block if I jumped into the corner of one and grazed it, making it disappear
I couldn't jump off the "edge" of a block even though I was clearly still on it.
Sometimes the blocks are obstructed by the stuff at the top of the screen, making in an unnecessary inconvenience.

With these flaws aside, the game play was still deathly boring.. there is virtually no creativity in this game, as this is such a common concept in many games, except that they actually take it to another level..

And that song.. oh man that song.. that was probably the most painful part.. please, spare me the pain of listening to your terrible 12 year old music, thanks.


this game is poopy, i'm sorry.