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Reviews for "Toybox"


Well I do like point and clicks... but this is just stupid. You need a walkthrough just to get started???

What indication is there of the cipher code for the padlock. It could be any number... of anything... quick... think of a 5 digit code... Duh.....

I hate puzzles where guessing a 5 digit code is the only way...

I even started over and actively looked for indication of the cipher number... none to be found...

I didn't play any further. Following a walkthough is never fun for me.

In the future, if you have a combination, make SOME attempt at letting people figure out what it might be, or at least in the walkthrough show how we were supposed to be able to figure it out.


To get the cell phone to work you have to click on the cell then click it again to get it to turn around to the back, put in the battery. You can now CALL JESUS :)

Ambiguous hints to puzzles

Many puzzles make sense but the hints themselves make absolutely none. Take for example the keypad. After sitting there for hours wondering wtf the hint is trying to get at, I realize its not the points but the lines making up the object....... Also, the frequency of 217 still have no idea how that was supposed to be known. Overall, I think it was pretty good, but it should have been polished more. OH AND the piano makes no noise.......you can at least be fair.

dude i have a bad memory that was hella hard

pi wtf i dident pass math n the compas candle thing i smoke n drink way2 much to remember that shit and i come to my computer to be a lazy bum not find pencle n paper but if your into that kinda stuff well ya go for this game

What is this game?

I was like stuck from the start where you have to take the chains off the wall. Where the hell should I get the clue? I tried the walk through yeah, but walk through showed me the password directly not how to get it. Am I the stupid one or the game is just really absurd? xD Hate to rate this badly but I think I will.

Graphic 7.5/10
Sound 6/10 (Too much loop)

Maybe you should have wrote more details on your author's comment space and made things more.. CLEARER.