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Reviews for "Toybox"

the bonus ending?

does it have anything to do with calling jesus with the phone? Cause i tried that but nothing. It has to be something with the phone. 911 is a no go as well.

well done

Well done. not my usual pick for a game, but, i had time, and i was bored :)
~] very difficult, some things, like the paper inside the brick... there was no indication it was clickable at all, never would have found that without the walkthrough, lol.
~] lots of lols at the "Need Help? Call Jesus!" poster
~] I found 2 endings, and gave up trying to find more XD

All in all, it was good; not amazing, but desrving of a good score.

it was okay

it wasn't really all that scary but all the puzzles were well thought out except for one, the piano. not everyone knows how to play the piano and since the piano wasn't playing when you hit the keys so i had no idea what order i had to do it in

Great potential, but a bit of a letdown

I love scary point-n-click games. When I saw this game, I had high hopes for it. Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed.

The art and sound were great, and the story started out well. It was very mysterious, and I liked that.

However, as the game progressed, the story began to make less and less sense.


From the cutscenes, you get the idea that this guy is a predator who hunts and tortures women, which is an awesome start. It seems like the idea is that you've been tortured by this guy, but you've found a way out!

But then there seems to be paranormal stuff going on. There's a boy who disappears into flames, and a candle setup that can control a picture, and then a torture chair that creates its own blood. OK, so it's a supernatural horror game then.

And yet, you never come back to the supernatural part. That just sort of goes away, and we end up back with a normal, crazy-guy-torture scenario. The supernatural elements had nothing to do with the story and are quickly dismissed by the game.

Some of the plot points don't make sense either. For instance, find the mutilated corpse of a girl in the dresser. Then... it turns out she's not actually dead, but simply very, very, very, VERY badly hurt. Then, she tells you to "save the others"... What others? There are never any others to save. So that whole part is kind of confusing, and wholly pointless.

Many of the puzzles are very challenging... but not in a good way. When I explore a room and find nothing there, I generally write that room off. However, in your game, you need to constantly go back to rooms because simply reading something or looking at something will cause hints and items to randomly appear. What's worse, the game doesn't even tell you that something has newly appeared, requiring the player to simply comb the entire set of rooms after each hint is uncovered. This is very frustrating, and makes it so that many puzzles required me to look at the walkthrough. Then, when I saw the answers, I thought "Oh... that's stupid." It became more about saving time than actually solving the puzzles, which is never a position you want your players to be in.

Finally, the story is never really fleshed out. I'm not sure if you've ever played any of the Exmortis series of games by Ben Leffler, but those games did a phenomenal job of telling a story. The plot was fleshed out through writings on the walls, newspaper clippings, journal entries, and diary pages. It really made the player feel like they were trapped and needed to escape. Most of your story elements were simply told to the reader, or were unveiled in a confusing set of flashbacks.


I do want to commend you on this game though. I feel like I've been too critical, and that definitely wasn't my intention. The art style and horror feel of this game was very well done. The puzzles themselves were well thought out, even though their solutions weren't. The plot was a good one, and with a little more attention to detail it could have been great. The gore level did a good job of frightening the player without desensitizing them, which is very difficult to do.

I hope you keep making games. You seem to have a great grasp of how to make a good horror game, and with some more practice I can't wait to see what you come up with.


Like most of the other revies i really enjoyed the grafics, but one of my main complains about the game its the difficulty, don't get me wrong, i love a hard game, buti think if you are trying to make a horror game the game needs to be relative easy, or else you gonna screw the atmosfere while the player spend minutes trying to figure out something, taking out all the horror of the game. Also have to look something up out of the game its a total disaster for horror games, i didn't know the last digit of pi, so i had to look on google, it was ok because it was in the start of the game, but if you put something like this wen the atmosfere its altery build, then we are all fucked