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Reviews for "Stamper's Quest For Fags"

I agree with Kaan416

I agree with Kaan416,

also Boobs, hot girls and pussies were missing. The tits in the preloaded were a nice tease, but a tease without a result is a pain.

cool but

great concept, slick animation, boring as hell and you committed the cardinal sin of sloth when making medals, try harder and you may have something cool next time...

it was ok

hey its not bad bit boring after 20mins.. i liked it still.

how do i get my MEDALS! gah!

oh yes that secret level was a trip tho! :|


You know, i believe i saw both bees healthpacks and cigarettes UNDER THE GROUND O_o'

Im not sure but, shouldnt you spot such a flaw and fix it before submitting?

It's not very fun, sometimes im not sure wether i need to jump or not to get a certain item, or if i need to jump to dodge a bee, you should have probably waited with submitting this, there are alot of major flaws i just cant understand you ignored and still submitted this.

Kevin responds:


I intended to get every medal...

But it's just too fucking boring. I gave up on medium because i collected like 150 in easy thinking it would end. This makes me look a little ignorant for not reading the description, but whatever. This was boring.