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Reviews for "Stamper's Quest For Fags"

so bad

the music got annoying fast and all you do is hit space, you cant even control how high you jump which made it impossible to dodge things and sometimes you would get to a point where if you jump you hit a bee or you can walk threw the cactus, and sometimes the bee was set up in a place where even if you jump it hits you......


I liked the music, but not much else. Not very original and pretty disorganized. However, I think with a little more work it could have potential.


You know what, I did not like this game. It was boring, it was repetitive and getting the medals was tedious...oh yeah, and the game has some big flaws! Seriously, the health-packs on the Nightmare difficulty level? Is that a glitch or are you just a sadistic weirdo?

"Why did you even play this game?" you then ask, "Why then, if it is indeed so terrible, did you devote over an hour of your valuable time to playing it?". Well I will tell you why. I played it because it had medals. Yes, it had medals that I didn't have and therefore NEEDED to get.

Well now I have all seven medals, and I am now able to explain to you why I did not like your game one bit:

First of all, as I mentioned previously, it is essentially a very boring game. The game essentially involves running aimlessly through the desert until you die, on the way picking up two types of item and avoiding two different enemies. Sounds fun right? Well get this, there are in fact FOUR different difficulty levels you can play this game in. They are all essentially the same save for an increase in enemy frequency and a decrease in health-pack frequency as the difficulty level rises.

Secondly, it was difficult. Normally this would not be a problem as a number of good games have been very difficult. However this game is not difficult in the sense that it is challenging, it is difficult in the sense that a good deal of it relies on luck (i.e. enemies can sometimes appear in a position which makes them impossible to dodge, health-packs and cigarettes often appear underground essentially making them unreachable).

Finally, this game was poorly made. It was not nice to look at, the background was simply one image looped over and over. I suppose the animation of Stamper looked decent, however all of the other graphics were mediocre at best. The controls served their purpose well enough. However in my opinion, they were far too restricted.

Summing up, this game was boring, sloppily executed. Really, it contained nothing whatsoever to make it the least bit enjoyable.

So yeah, yet another angst filled whinge from yet another lonely 15 year old. But you know what, I'm still entitled to my opinion.

Kevin responds:

That's cool I don't give a fuck about your opinion though, because at least another 100 said exactly what you said, but shorter.


the animations of the guy are good,but thats all of it!
the worst thing you made are the cactus,you donßt have to touch them,you just have to be in thiar,so they gonna hit you
some medic packs/cigarettes were to down to catch them and sometimes there were a bee and a cactus,so you just have to hit something

and the songs are bad


Why so many people are giving this tens for is beyond me.

This is a shoddy game, plain and simple.

The difficulty modes are welcome and the main characters' animations are fine but this simply isn't fun to play or engaging. The repetitive, irrelevant background, poorly looped music and lack of story or objectives make this in no way re-playable or indeed playable in the first place.

The collision detection is terrible, but actually evens out so that while you might get cheated for hitting a cactus you were nowhere near, at the same time you can sometimes jump right into bees with no consequence. So uh, congratulations?

Kevin responds:

This game is absolutely terrible I agree.