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Reviews for "Barbarian Bob [Remake]"

Love it

Great game with stylish graphics just the combat system could be better.
The medals are cool to.

Overall Nice Game

This game was really amusing and i enjoyed playing it.
The graphics you used in this game were most of the time great.
The comic look of the figures was a funny idea and I think a good one because you don't see such simple and at the same time cute graphics in much games.
At the same time the scenery lokked professional especially the forest at the beginning.
The tree which you've got to climb up and the stones in the castle didn't look that great as the rest of the world but the graphics were overall good.
The sound and the music in this game was great.
First of all the song of Barbarian Bob in the menu was just great and the music in the levels was fitting.
The gameplay was okay but it had some faults.
Barbarian Bob was moving much to slow for my means but the game was overall slow.
But what really annoyed me was the impossibility of blocking some attacks or getting out of some attacks.
For example I had to get hit three times of two soldiers which I was fighting bevor I could get out of their attacks.Of course the shield was a way to avoid this but if you've already used it you will get hit in most of the cases.
The two Bossfights were in my opinion to easy.The first one was okay at this point of the game but the last fight was exactly the same,the only different was the number of hits the boss had to take before he went down.
A big Pluspoint for you game were the cheats and secrets.
It was a great idea and i appreceate the extra work you put into them.
On the other hand I found one very annoying bug.
I was fighting the boss for the second time while i tried to get the INVINCIBOB medal and died once so I started a new try.
But the sound of the rain was always starting in all the levels.But the most depressing thing was that I had defeated the boss without dying but because of this bug there was no ending.
Overall this game was great even though it had some negative points.
8 of 10 and I voted 5/5

Skribble-Style responds:

Wow man, thanks for the great comment! Very in depth and very much appreciated.

I've fixed that rain bug and the boss bug for real now; I'm pretty positive anyway. I also made Bob move a little faster and I'm working on an idea to allow you to get out of those situations where you have 2-3 guys around you and are stuck, as well as adjusting the timing and rate of their attacks, so hopefully it will be a little easier and smooth to play. I should have the new version with some of the improvements in place in a few hours.

Thanks again for the review!


i was fighting an enemy after getting out of the tree. i died then i respawnd imbetween the tree and the... not tree. i fell through ic ould see a bunch of grey at he bottom other wise i couldnt find any glitches

Skribble-Style responds:

It was a glitch in the Matrix.

It means they've changed something.


Not bad

The game was pretty fun, even it it had some bugs (especially with the last boss-it freezed twice).
Now, congrats for adding medals but some of them are pretty impossible...how are you supposed to beat the game without dying once?
And the worst part is that you won't get the last one if you don't get this one so you lose 200 medal points...could you change that medal to "beat the game without losing 3 lives"?
And you have to get the achievements all over again once you quit the game, so to get the last one youy have to get them all in one session, whih is excruciatingly hard...
Other than that, great game...

it was an ok game.....

it got a bit repetitive you should add more combos and perhaps use the money you find in the game to buy them and also add more types of enemies

Skribble-Style responds:

All good suggestions, but again, all things I've explained why I didn't include already. I didn't want to make a whole new game, I just wanted to update the original with some bells and whistles, and include the things we originally wanted to include.