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Reviews for "Red Moon"

Another buggy game with medals

I redid every damn level until I got all orbs when I found out I got the damn achievement without grabbing ALL of them. Second to that, you fall off those falling platforms the whole time.
Either way, all orbs are possible, they're just an ass to get, I'd update that achievement, cause damn.
None the less, nice game, still don't think it should have medals though

A few things, mainly 1 bug.

Versus AWW2, I felt this game was much better paced. The fights were well spread, and varried enough to keep things intresting. The progressive difficulty in the waves size was nice as well. The main issue I had in combat was the boss, who one attempt managed to catch me in a one combo kill:

He fired his ultimate attack, and an orb before I had control of myself again, and was unable to avoid the orb, sending me flying thru 4 of his pillars, followed up by a warp-behind slash to throw me into the right wall again, a double orb shot which did more damage and kept me pinned long enough to use a 5 stage melle combo, which sent me flying left. Before I could stand up again from the slide, he not only fired another orb towards me, but did another warp-behind slash, sending me towards it. I landed right back on top of him, and was finished off by a 3 stage melle attack while I was on the ground. Needless to say, I think he needs some sort of limiter to keep him from spamming attacks that rapidly.

As for the bug: your in game awards feature s broken. After beating the game, I hit the main menu button and went to extras to see the art and music I collected, but found they weren't there. When I checked my awards on the main menu, they were gone. I reladed the actual page afterward to make sure they applied on the site, and they did, so there is no problem there. I am just somewhat disapointed that I do not get to see the art and music since a couple of those items took several attempts to grab.

not bad

Not bad at all... Like the atacks and all is ok but when u lose u need to go all again and it sucks and makes me quit playing it. Good job.

Awesome Music

Loved the music. The jumping was sometimes difficult but the game was a success overall.

not bad

not bad but not perfect the control glith is stupid the graphiscs are dumb and wel thats it