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Reviews for "Naruto NG"

Nothing to new but not bad

Its about the same as your average Fighting game need more attack animations. Graphic wise its pretty good.
Over all Id say it passed but its not amazing.

not bad

its way to easy i can button mash and win
it also needs medals or achievements
not bad for an overall fighting game


First off let me say nice game! Most of it was done pretty well and i can see alot of potential in this game. A few things i thought you could imporve on was the story line which can be easily done with abit more research in character and overall theme of naruto. The second thing i would like to suggest is maybe a longer story line? i personally felt it was abit sort and completed the story mode in about 4 mins. Gameplay was pretty smooth i think. I also would like to suggest maybe adding some typical combo moves ie down, right, right. In doing so you can make the game more channeling by adding some insane moves. LOL i can go on for ages, like i said lots of potential in your work and the idea. I look forward to seeing this improved. Good luck and keep up the good work.

itsmario responds:

OMG you're so right about the research thing.

I've watched Naruto once.


the game itself was ok but nothing particularly special. The story line of naruto was completely mutilated 2... something i really didn't care for

itsmario responds:

I agree. That's due to the the fact that I've never watched Naruto. But did you have to use 'mutilated'?

i dont get it dafaq is ichigo here