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Reviews for "Fox Fyre"


Unbalanced, early levels were fun, but later levels just turned into a mosh pit, started getting hit with so much shit that I couldn't have aimed if it would've saved my left nut, suggest destroyable or alterable terrain, less accurate enemies and a bit of a easier targeting system.


game wasn't very good and rather boring need to be made little easyer gets too hard too fast

just started the game and already...

good concept but no originality, make more special modes, alot more challenge and much smoother quadratics, but i wan tyou to know this is a great style of games, like turret style and with sick upgrades, but spice it up man..


This game was really fun to play...

After the first few levels, but as it went on it got harder. O.k, I can dig it. Go through the first bunch until I realized that there's a fucking timer.


Why? Is it really needed? Half the bloody time I find myself an inch blast away from killing the last enemy on the screen and it fucking tell me time up. One fucking minute. Really? I like a challenge but come on. Not only that but when you get more than five enemies on the screen it can get a bit confusing with all the mind fucking special effects from blast and what not. I find myself in the middle of blasting an opponent until the sky rains green lasers. This seems to happen randomly as I never seem to catch the dirty bastard enemy that keeps firing the blasted thing which doesn't give me warning to activate my shield.

Bring me to the other problem. Why must you click the screen to activate the shield? It doesn't do anything for the game but makes it annoying since I have to hastily click my other weapon before the enemy tank blows my ass off due to the FUCKING timer pressing me.

Now just to add to the confusion you can have up to three tanks. Oh goody. Now it doesn't help much to remember which tank your controlling other than a little faint glow (An arrow would of bloody helped.) and if you remember the weapons it's carrying but your probably not paying attention to that because of the fucking timer and you rushing to blow up the enemy.

Now the game of course looks pretty but like I mentioned before all the different colors can be confusing when you suddenly see something come out the sky for no reason other than it is.

Oh and half the weapons are bloody useless, including the nuke when the enemy can just pull a shield out of their asses. Actually most of the weapons are useless even when fully upgraded as they do fucking shit to the enemy. the beginner weapon i the best one because it's the most accurate and kills the bastards in under three second flat.

I could find alot to actually complain about the game but I'll just leave it here.

Sorry, but really you need to fix alot of these problems.

Can't play

Hi guys

I can't play that game. There's noch "continue" for me, for when I click that button after the short tutorial nothing happens.

I have FlashPlayer 10 (just downloaded!), the newest Shockwave and Java ... what's wrong?