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Reviews for "Piggy123s flash tutorial"

Not good

Wow, this was pretty bad. Graphics aren't a major concern in tutorials, but a bit more eye candy doesn't hurt as well. Here we just have black rectangles with red texts as buttons, a white background and some strange looking circle with arms that mubmles constantly.

A tutorial should explain how to do something and it should explain why this line of code is necessary and why that line should be there and not here, etc. .

Just giving people the code and saying "copy this" doesn't help them at all.

It was also pretty annoying that I had to click "play" constantly after hitting the "end" button. Just take the viewer back to the main menu.

{ Review Request Club }

piggy123 responds:

there was a real tutorial but it got messed when i added the preloader!

Screenshot collection

Truly poor when it comes to making a tutorial, this needs lots of work - show people what they're after, rather than just a wall of code and show them how to improve their works. If it's a 10-12 step indication of the process required, this is what you need to do. At the end, give them a "How it looks" animation sequence, showing them how to their animation should look.

It needs improved drawing, better looking buttons, rather than just squares made into buttons. Perhaps draw them as 3D buttons with perspective and then animate them actually being pressed. I think that you need to look at additional tutorials to make your own pieces reach a good standard before you try showing other people how to make animations.

[Review Request Club]

piggy123 responds:

look at the other responses i made this like when i got flash and now i am making a better one

Oh dear God!

Art/Animation: 0/10
Badly drawn writing, a few generic drawings and the default font. Can this flash do anything right?

Plot/Concept: 0/10
Well, the layout was kinda confusing, and there really wasn't much content. Half the buttons didn't work either..

Audio/Music: -2/10
Seriously, not good. "Flashy" sounded kinda like Alvin and the Chipmunks on a walkie-talkie to a radio being played through a television with no reception. And that ain't a good thing.\

Overall: 0/10
I would give you negative points if I could, but unfortunately, you'll have to settle for 0. Try again. Much harder.

[Review Request Club]

piggy123 responds:

well this was made quite a while ago

Didn't learn anything at all

Score: 1 / 10
Summary: Didn't learn anything at all
Review: This must be the least helpful tutorial I've ever seen. Not to be mean or disrespectful or anything, but this left me more confused than I was before I viewed it.

You need to tell the viewer more about what is going on.

There was no graphic, except for some buttons which were hard to distinguish. Some were unclickable. No animation.

Sound was non-existant, except for the annoying voice of "flashy". Luckily that didn't goo on for ever.

The tutorials weren't helpful. They were just plain text pasted into here. It didn't tell me where to put it, what it did, what it meant, what the result would be, nothing. You need to make these like the person yu were talking to knew nothing about actionscripting, oonly then will you be able to make a good tutorial.

Explain, take it step by step instead of throwing all of it out there, organize it, make it look better, more inviting. Delete this whole project, and start over from scratch.

-=Review Request Club=-

piggy123 responds:

ok i will


It wasn't really that helpful. I expected a tutorial where it teaches you what to do not simply gives you text to copy and paste and very little and hard to read instructions.

The speech was a little strange and really hard to understand. Also, there was no music at all, which made it quite boring.

Some buttons didn't work as well, or just took you to something random, which was strange.

Also, the layout definitely needs fixing. A lot of the text is hard to read, it doesn't have any background to it and is quite boring to look at.

It was quite short as well. It just gave some text on moving with the arrow keys and for dress up games, and I remember seeing another flash (forgot its name) where it provides AS code of much more than that.

Nothing else to say... Needs a lot of work on it to make it more user-friendly, attractive and helpful. Plus, this is a tutorial for Action Script, not Flash.

-Review Request Club-

piggy123 responds:

next tutorial is better