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Reviews for "Minty Ice AdverGame"


No animation of primary characters, that's a minus. No sound = minus. Can not tell what it is for or what the point is. The splash page graphics are unapealling. Perhaps it makes sense in the context of your college project but I am at a complete loss as to what it is about.

This is for a college level course?

Jeezum crow. The most obvious problem with this, apart from those hideous blobby unappetizing things in the menu screen is the fact that 'Minty Ice' is mentioned nowhere in the gameplay screen (by the way, I mention 'unappetizing' because Minty Ice sounds like a brand of gum). Maybe it's mentioned after a win or defeat, but frankly, who could be bothered to play through the whole thing? Once you get the hang of it, it's very simple, and burning through 10,000 points of the enemy's hp is just a ridiculous waste of time.
Therefore, the only place that Minty Ice is mentioned within the part of the game that the average player is likely to reach is in the title, and if you're advertising product x in a game, you probably shouldn't call it "x advergame." Not very catchy. Since gameplay is weak, you could make this a more effective product placement tool by jazzing up the graphics and making 'Minty Ice' and your slogan appear prominently, although try to avoid an annoyingly in your face presentation. Also important is to have a color scheme for your graphical ads, which should be applied to the entire game. It will add to the style and help you blend in the product placement. I'm not really gonna grade it down for the crappy game play or graphics per se, rather I'm grading it as a product advertisement project, since that is, I guess, what it's intended to be.


This is a really cheap fucking rippoff of pokemon. But nice art though.


The battle seems like a cheap Pokemon fight. Can't replay the game, when you do the scientist dies in one hit. Way to easy can just heal over and over.


First, the should be a title screen or something. Or at least instructions explaining the buttons. I ended up healing for like the first four rounds cause I didn't realize that's what H did. Second, I think you should add sound effects. Right now, the game just goes back and forth with nothing to really vary the play. Sound effects would give it that added touch it needs. Also, every time I got hit, a black box appeared over my character and then went away. Same thing happened when I hit the enemy...Was this on purpose, or an animation glitch? If this was your hit animation, I would suggest redoing it, as a black box showing up for no apparent reason is just annoying.