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Reviews for "Knightfall"

A Really Good Concept...

There were some frustrating aspects about the game, like when you get pigeon-holed into taking gradual damage over the course of the maps, then wind up in a situation where you have 5 HP left and the key is literally surrounded by Mandrakes (after the 20th attempt at taking no damage in this sort of scenario, one develops a sour disposition toward the game itself).

I also feel that there should be an undo or reset function of some kind in the game that allows you to make a few mistakes (maybe give someone 5 undo's the entire game or something). Hell, I'd make that into an item, as there's no sense in giving it for free.

I also had a few minor nags with some of the enemy attacks. A few times I wound up in a situation where I could be hit by enemies with indefinite range (Beholders, mostly) right off the bat and had no alternative but to flip the board to try and get out of its path, but would get hit in doing so. This, coupled with the annoyance that I discussed above about the game dwindling my health down can make for a series of needless deaths. It didn't affect my experience too much, but perhaps the random generation function could be altered so that an enemy can't attack within a certain number of turns, or maybe make it so the map can't generate a combat situation right off the bat.

I also felt the armor didn't scale very well with the damage. After getting hit for 8 - 10 damage a pop, I go and purchase the armor. However, the next stage has enemies that begin hitting me for 8 - 10 damage as well, with some hitting for even more than the previous stage's enemies after the armor upgrade. Makes the armor feel less like an upgrade and more of a tourniquet.

Again I love the game and the concept. These are just some minor gripes I had with it.

Perhaps for the sequel, you could incorporate movement upgrades or different weapons that allow a variety of attack paths. Just a thought.

Thanks for the great game!


Very fun, I played up to the devil but there was no way i could beat him. I only had one health potion, so maybe if you could access the store in the middle of a level that would be great. I hit him four times and just couldnt get off the fifth hit. What ever happend to the ol' nintendo three shot?

Pretty much great but not entertaining

I like the concept, it feels fresh and is suppose to let you think and then watch the funny sprites kill themselves. However it seems to lack something. The shops only good items are armor and health potion, yet the armor didn't seem all that great.

I said it is suppose to make you think but in the end you run out of options, the board becomes cramped with all kinds of blocks and enemies and you just wait for a single block of the right color to drop. Sometimes it doesn't and you are stuck somewhere and wish you haven't picked up this game. I didn't know you are suppose to fight the devil who can kill you werever you stand in the last battle. That sucked since you can't go back and stock on potions. I could try and kill him quicker but there is just not enough of the right blocks to get to him quickly. And he hits you for like 20 hitpoints with the second armor. Has to be killed six times, usually hits you once while you try to get there, so I reckon you should stock up at least 4 potions, that much. Magic didn't work on him somehow (lightning). Maybe I didn't figured it out but I didn't take much brains to get to the last level and I didn't want to take more attempts it because it wasn't that much time

All in all its a great concept there has to be more fun in playing the game.


Not bad, enjoyed a few rounds of it,but same old same old after a while

Not expected

It wasn't what I expected, but it was pretty fun.