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Reviews for "Hitler hacks LINUX (5:33)"


Whoa...Brilliant work my son!

So bloody original...its like no dnb I've ever heard! It's like a 3/3-9/8 hybrid...All the video gamey tones are teh sweetness, and the drums are beautifully synchopated. The ending's pretty sweet too.

Just amazing work, man. Keep it up XD

WinTang responds:

Thanks a lot! I think this is my best electronical piece yet... and I'm glad to see people who know what they're talking about dig it!

Fantastic stuff!

Wow! This is a fantastic track and I'm really envious!

This time around the mix is perfect as near as I can tell. The bass is chunky and full yet doesn't overpower the mix, and everything in fact sits really well in the mix. So my kudos to you for your mixing.

I'm loving that tension build with the sustained organ chords, it is genuinely effective and obviously you put a lot of time into getting the elements to work together properly. My personal fave is still the chaotic square arp. 32nd notes rock!

The song maintains a pretty high level of energy after and pulls it off nicely without becoming played out.

The sweep with the organ chord and the resigned piano into the breakdown is pure gold, I mean it's simple, but could anything be more effective? (I don't want to gush, but I liked it a lot!). Creepy, heavily affected voices, fx sweeps, nice. Great for breaking up the track.

The next part, i mean after the organ is re-introduced (and tempo automation?), I sense could use a pad or a sprinkle of fx because it seems a bit sparse but the chaos leading up the finishing vocal and alarm fx is very commendable and earns redemption many times over!

The only slight gripe I have is the cymbal which becomes a tad irksome after a while, but really, that's pretty minor.

This one will definately stand up to repeated listens. At least it did for me, and I'm pretty damn fussy.

Top stuff. Great work you can be proud of!

Keep it up.

P.S Silly idea - can a future version have the male "Hello Frankfurt" morph into a female over the course of the track?......

...Actually, ignore previous statement!

WinTang responds:

What a delightfully long and detailed review!! It's so cool to see someone actually picked up all the separate elements in the chaos that is this song.

On the cymbal, I struggled with that but I wanted it to be there to create that Prodigy-feel... but it only fully satisfies me in the coda.

Heaps of thanks for this awesome review man!

P.S. Interesting! Now if I only knew how to do that...

10/10... I never give 10/10!

This is a wicked tune man. I like what you did with all aspects of this piece. You've deffinatly got a lot of talent. I'm loving what you've done with the organ, so funky.

This really is worthy of 10/10!

Good Effort,


WinTang responds:

Cheers man! Thanks for your kind words and ratings!

very abstract

Very original in my opinion. It does sound a little like aphex, but the thing it reminded me the most of is skinny puppy. It could be the almost sonic assualt of sound, either way, great job!

WinTang responds:

Thanks a lot!
I've never heard of skinny puppy, but I'll check it out right away.


Dude, this is fucking INSANE
I love that organ sound, and when the bongos kick in...Man...it rules. I don't want it to end.
Sorry, I'm writing the review while listening to it, so it's not terribly detailed. So many changes, so much to comment on, argh, my brain.
Did you play the keyboards yourself, or is it programmed? I don't care, the main riff's cool. And you did a damn good job on the drums. They sound great.
In conclusion, seriously bitching.

WinTang responds:

Nice to hear from you again!
I'm glad you like it so, the whole thing is programmed (but I could play the lead myself if I wanted to, of course...).
Thanks for the nice review!