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Reviews for "Newgrounds in a Nutshell!"

no bad

not bad at all but could be better and longer


first off let me just say this, by far the biggest negative of your whole flash was your sound design. it was beyond abysmal. do us all a favor. take all of the sounds out of the flash, compile them in audacity, and fucking BRING DOWN THE VOLUME. jesus fuck my eardrums. you would have gone from a 3/10 to a 6/10 for this step alone.

second, your disclaimer defeats your flashes purpose. never make excuses for what you do, just do it. otherwise, you look like a pussy. instead of saying "hey dont worry guys its all just a joke im not being serious i actually like what im making fun of," say "i made this because it reflects my honest opinions. if you dont like it, suck my dick." trust me, the second way will get you MUCH funnier reviews.

third, this exact flash has been done so so many times. NG satire is extremely common. all ng fads die? flash comedy extravaganza? how 2 succeed on newgrounds? metal gear funnies? all pretty much the exact same thing as this. you even used a few of the exact same jokes, whether you meant to or not.

so good intentions, but if you're doing a satire, make it meaningful, make it biting and sarcastic, and most of all make it original... dont touch on points that have been rehashed a thousand times. otherwise, your words will fall on deaf ears. how many 10/10 reviews do you think are being written by actual fans of the cartoons you're criticizing? a lot. that means your message isnt coming through.

ChainsawFingers responds:

Each of the 3 flashes that you mentioned are all 100% satire. My flash is more like a representation of my love/hate relationship with Newgrounds. When I said that I don't hate everything that I'm making fun of, I really meant it. I don't care about being biting or sarcastic. I don't care about preaching to Newgrounds about anything. I only made this flash for the simple fun of it. Even though there is some wisdom in what you say, I don't have any regrets about how I made this.

P.S. The reason the sounds are so loud is because I compiled them in Audacity and made them as loud as fucking possible. I'm not doing anyone any favors. Just turn down your volume if it bothers you that much.


Good god what's with the exorcist stuff? I can't watch anything on the internet anymore without worrying about it.

That stuff is extremely demonic. I would have liked this better without it.

no good at all

shot my lazers while writing this review. I wrote it without screen... YOU PAY FOR MY SCREEN NOW!

ChainsawFingers responds:


i couldnt masturbate to it only dicks im a fukin man damn it