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Reviews for "The Last Fight"

Some cool stuff.

I like your art style, and this was indeed cool looking. No doubt it took you some time, and you should damn sure be proud.

On the other hand, there are also some setbacks to this. For one thing, I didn't really feel this song fit for this fight scene. I suppose I didn't pay much attention to the lyrics but it sounded more like he was singing about a woman or something and that doesn't really tie in. The music itself seemed a little too slow and not intense enough to be fight music. Voices, and this is a lesson I learned myself, voices will improve your score. Use voices. Another thing, you did seem to take some "animation shortcuts". I got to see a lot of them running or jumping at each other, but as far as blocking or trading blows there wasn't as much as there should have been. Flashes of white light and stuff don't really do a fight scene justice. Take the time to animate even just 5 seconds of close quarters combat here and there and it will come out looking cooler, I promise.

Lastly, the thing that turned me off of this flash the most was your authors comments. I'm willing to believe that you did this all on paper at one point, yes, but the end result showed no sign of pencil drawing. You traced over all of it with flash, so essentially it was done in flash. It's cool that you drew it on paper first, and you can mention that as a cool side note, but don't make it sound like we OWE you a higher score just cause you drew it on paper. To be honest I think you could have done the same thing (and probably in less time) if you had just skipped the paper part and done it all in flash to begin with. When you tell us about how you had to scan all the pages and such, it makes it sound like you're trying to get people to vote higher than you deserve because they feel sorry for you because you had to go through all that work. You chose to do it the long way, for better or worse, so you don't really deserve sympathy. And to color it you ended up tracing everything anyway.

But like I said, this is a good piece and you did take a good bit of time on it. Keep at it and you'll keep improving. I enjoyed it and hope to see more from you in the future.


"They are ... too many" ? Do you know English? Its either "THERE are too many" or "They are too NUMEROUS"

"Nothing can stop him ... but death" Amazing! You should write a novel! Just ... brilliant writing ... ya.

Is it always fucking windy in this crazy world? His shirt never stops moving.

I liked the tears of blood at the end, though, unfortunately, i don't think you intended them.

I love how you put the 3 paragraphs in the beginning, with the annoying one word at the bottom of each one, like you think that anyone cares.

Your drawings are fine but your animation is sloppy.

The only reason i give you any stars at all is, sad as it may be, there are worse animations out there.

PS: Newgrounds Staff, STOP DELETING MY REVIEWS. Its all or nothing, don't be a Nazi.


it was more of a slide show than an animation. nice cinematic effects. i was looking forward to an actual fight. some details like some kicks and sword swipes, you know? keep working.

Being totally honest

I couldn't do better (or the equal for that matter). But this flash wasn't stunning.

I'll break it down, it's easier to get my point across.

Graphics (6/10)
The art was plain and all molded together with the colour scheme. It really could have done with more attention to detail, although it would have probably took you a lot longer to redo the animation. I realise you worked very, very hard on this animation but it doesn't seem like a year/5 months worth of work.

Audio (6/10)
Fitting, but it made the whole thing feel like a trailer for a feature length. There was no dialogue, not spoken anyway. Which really drew my attention away from the movie having to read it.

Story (3/10)
Okay, I don't think I understood the story at all. Doesn't help with them not having names.

'One' is trained by 'The Master' to fight 'Two' who captured 'One''s brother.
'One' is defeated by 'Two' because his emotions get the best of him and he attacks 'Two' before completing his training. Is that right?

Even if that was on the nail, the story remains to be unclear, this is something you should either have described better or left out all together.

Overall (5/10)
I feel although you worked so hard on this, I cannot give you a higher mark. There were just too many flaws that brought it down. I commend your patience and effort, but please, think harder about storyline and add some fine details.

Also I don't think it was necessary for you to draw every frame on paper before you ported it into flash, was it?

Good luck in your future projects, but please take my advice (I don't use it anyway :D) and maybe you can get 1st place award! :]

keepwalking responds:

I appreciate your words. Verry accurate indeed. Im still learning, so I have many flaws indeed in my artworks. I'll take your advice for sure. :)

Music and Animation conflict.

The song's meaning itself might have connected with the story, but, alas, it really just didn't flow. Movement didn't follow any sense of beat with the song, and if you listened to the song, you could swear the slight scene changes into the past simply didn't fit.

I watched the animation without listening to the music, and thought it was pretty decent. It was a good animation; it just didn't flow with the song, so it ended up feeling choppy.