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Reviews for "A Very PS3 Christmas"


Nice angry face on the guy when he gets pissed. Thats true, though. The PS3 is really expensive and there aren't That many awesome games for it, not worth $60 anyway.
But awesome flash. I wish i could see a meltdown like this in real life. It would make much lolz

Freakin hilarious

That was so random and so turretsy I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. So...was the guy actually buying the game for his kid or was he buying it for himself and he was just too ashamed to say so?

Kinda how I felt when I bought a ps3

I liked it. I'm kind of dissapointed with the whole next-gen console range. I had a Wii and gave it to my sister after I got bored with Mario Kart. Then I bought a ps3 and there are shag all games for it that interest me. Right now the only games that I think I'm going to buy next year are Resident Evil 5 and Prototype. Fallout 3 is for christmas and maybe Prince of Persia. The Xbox is almost the same price as a PSP now in europe, which annoys the crap out of me since I bought a PSP and I hardly ever play it (I would if they released one decent RPG for it... Crisis Core was good and all but it was too linear). I don't see any really good games for the Xbox that would convince me to buy it. Fable II maybe? I wouldn't buy a console just for one game though... Oh wait! I bought a ps3 for MGS4.. I would have bought an Xbox if Fable was out before Metal Gear Solid though. My girlfriend has my DS and I miss Castlevania :'(

Oh well, my rant is over now... sorry.


Not very good animation, and even though "SUCK MY DICK #&%!!!!" usually give you a score above 4.00, I still have never liked it.

Short, kind of lame.



This is an awesome flash, very funny, well done.