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Reviews for "Andagel"

To webchameleon:

Well i don't really know how to put it, but you seem to be over-estimating your abilities as a 3D modeler. I don't see how your superior abilities have gotten you THE front page, and well, even good rating scores from people who commented on your work. You've got none of those, so if you think you can back up your comments, do produce a more fascinating piece of work. I'd really love to see you include ALL the pointers you have included in yourself.

Oh and you mentioned about understanding how much hard work this takes, but he's able to do better? Well damn, have you ever wondered giving a tip or two, considering that you understand how the poly count IS limited.

And also, this is a game for godsake, nobody mentioned anything about relating it to the real world. So if you have really something against how the media or the community portrays 'money', then i guess you're either deeply hurt and pitiful from your dark past or whatsoever rubbish. I agree that the plot is typical, but it was enjoyable nonetheless. The animation and figures are obviously not top-notch, but i liked the simplicity. If you're looking for something perfect, go buy a game yourself. Then again, even games you pay for can't promise the best.

Oh yes, the controls worked perfectly for me, and also there wasn't anything like 'The character turns too slowly and she never seems to shoot in the right spot'. I guess either your computer's too lousy, or your brain lags too much. Or maybe your eyes are screwed. Beats me :/

Anyway, i applaud the efforts of this production. I guess it really is the first time i've seen such a game on Newgrounds! :D Keep up the good work! And i'm sure you'll get much better in your future projects XD NICE!


That was the most epic game on newgrounds! It was one thing to have a 3d fps with a few enemies, another to add a storyline, but even then you have the epic smooth flow between action! The cinematics are quality!

You're gonna go a long way, but newgrounds just isnt the place for this! People here can't appreciate this because it's not flash-minigame style.

Maybe you should pick up C++ and use OGRE or something to create a full 3d game, or maybe XNA with C#?

Then you'll have a market for your genious.

Good luck!

popopt responds:

:) Thank! Im looking at doing some iphone development, and at android as well. The ONLY thing i find flash lacks is that the CPU power it can use is limited, so the graphi muscle is always lower. But i want to reach people without an install.Basically i am keeping a close eye on Torque and irrlicht (ogre too) and rethinking my next step to see - do i want to try something in these engines but ask people for an install, do i continue in flash? Ive looked at XNA too and wiiware (ridiculously expensive for someone like me with zero budget) . The good news is today there's at least so many options whereas a few years ago theres none.

boring and unoriginal

Well, I'm sure this wasn't easy to make, so that's why you have any points at all. The controls are lousy. The character turns too slowly and she never seems to shoot in the right spot (but interacting with switches works fine, even if the animation doesn't match). The enemies look like low-poly Predator models and the hands of the woman in the first scene are hideous. I know your poly count is limited, being a 3d modeler myself, but you could have done better (and been more original). The dialog in that sequence is awful. Pleading with a grunt to "save the planet"? That just sounds ridiculous, like from a Captain Planet re-run.

Which brings me to the plot itself. Do you know what a "stock character" is? According to dictionary.com, a stock character is "a character in literature, theater, or film of a type quickly recognized and accepted by the reader or viewer and requiring no development by the writer."

The most common stock villains in America today are businessmen. Common stock heroes are journalists, environmentalists, and 'peace' advocates/ protesters (I'm not really sure of the order of prominence at this time). Robin Hood types are also making a comeback.

I must admit, it was pretty original to make the protagonist a lesbian, but the evil energy company thing is just way too overdone to interest me. These kinds of stories also put me off because it seems that the companies that hold up the weight of the world are being unfairly vilified. Granted, this is a Sci Fi thing and you probably weren't even considering big business in general when you made this, but it all seems to follow the same premises:

Businessmen want to control society.
All big businesses cheat and exploit their workers and customers.
Competition is cruel.
Big businesses=bad, small business=good (until they make too much money).
Money is the root of all evil.

I'll spare you any speeches on the moral and economic justification for laissez faire, but I will tell you that nothing big business (even energy compaies) have done justifies the image they have today in the media.

Bottom line: The story is unoriginal, the models look bad (and unoriginal), and the controls are awful.

Would you rather I just said "this is awful" and gave you a zero? At least now, if you want to tell me off, you be more detailed than " * you!".

Okay, I'm done.

popopt responds:

Webchameleon, so much feedback -well, thanks for being so thorough and for taking the time to write all this down:) Yes, i agree that the 'evil corporation' is a simplistic meme. With all the work it took to come to grips with the 3d, the storytelling suffered, but I wanted to make the point that I believe that powerful groups or people need to use their power with compassion, tolerance, and responsibility. (well, they dont HAVE to but i think its good if they do). For sure not all corporations are evil, they are made of people. But when people do evil (for lack of a better term) things in groups, they affect the world more than when they do it alone9for the most part), which is in part i guess why corporations make an easy target. Ill be sure to infuse more subtlety and originality into the next story thread and thanks for keeping me on my toes:) and its true, the chemicops DO look like predator dont they? LOL


its quite an innovative and awesome venture, though not completely satisfying.. a little more work on it wud do. the game is a bit confusing too. otherwise its pretty cool. i enjoyed playing it man!!!


This could have been good, but it wasnt. The first boss was nearly impossible, and how do you expect us to use the health up thing when that thing is shooting at us?
The controls was bad. Some times your player just ran around in circles. The part with 7 enemies was hard as hell. The level design could have been better. If you can fix all of this when you release a second one, it whould be great. But i dont think its worth another try. This is a experiement that went wrong. Use your 3d skills on something else. Racing games, maybe?