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Reviews for "Grey-Matter"


I'm finally reviewing this after playing once or twice a day for the last couple days, and finally beating it today. I'm not easily hooked by any game, but this one did it. Hang on, this will be a long review.

I love the coherence of the game. The music, art, and gameplay fit remarkably well together. Not only that, but all three are great in their own right. The music gets my adrenaline going but has enough variation that it never really becomes annoying. The art is great too. It's minimalistic, but there's lots of nice detail on what is present. The gameplay was extremely difficult at first. I didn't realize that there was a slow down button at first and that really screwed me over, especially with the tail things. But once I got the hang of hitting just the right parts of the different enemies, things got a lot more manageable. I think that the learning curve of this game is pretty close to where it should be. That said, a little more in-game guidance would have been nice.

All that praise isn't to say this game is without flaws. There were some really problematic glitches. The game sometimes freezes up or blacks out, or I'd lose the ability to move in one direction. I realize it's really hard to track these bugs down, but they seriously detracted from the experience. My other big complaint is that some of the enemies seemed distinctly out of order, difficulty wise. The fat guys that shoot circles are WAY harder to deal with than many of the enemies that follow them. The guys that try to eat you are also more difficult to avoid than their shooting counterparts.

So... this game has some problems, maybe even enough to bump you from a 10 to a 9. But in the end, I'm really impressed by the job you've done. This game is polished, fun, and really well presented. Great job.

Ouchie the Boss hurts!

This was a great game and has a great concept.
The only thing that sucked was right before the boss battle I had about 100k points which I didn't get to spent to fight before the boss =/.
He hurt like hell.

Another thing I didn't like was the fact that you couldn't toggle the sound off =/.
Otherwise amazing game.


wow... this game... is driving me insane... its incredably frustrating, and addictive, and quite honestly there is nothing i can see that is wrong with this game besides the fact that its insanely addictive... also, the ocasional psyciatric quotes and odd music give it an insanely trippy feel. also, im sorry the only adjictive i can come up with is insane, but thats what this game is it is truely insane and its driving me insane. keep up the good work.

Fuck you Edmund

I love your games, I love your style, and I love your art.

This game is nothing short of superb. You made ANOTHER addictive game. What enfuriates me though is there is on way to save your progress. If you die it's right back to level 1. You need to give it a rest on the games man. You're going to give me carpel tunnel syndrome from all this keyboard useage.

Please give it a rest for a month atleast, if not that then just make an easy game that uses the mouse T___T


Awesome, and very fun, with great animations to boot. I really love the quotes, too. where are they from?