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Reviews for "Console Wars!!!"

i see where you got the inspiration from..

it looks and feels kinda like C&C on pc


At first it looked mediocre, but I saw the quote "He who controls the present controls the past, he who controls the past controls the future" and 1984 immediately came to mind. The quote was used slyly, so I have to give you credit for that. But it was sort of copying that lego game, so I'll have to give you a 7/10...

I got a little annoyed by one thing....

The screen is just too small to comfortably play the game.


it was ok. i didnt like the minimap system, were it just goes away, its like "arggg i need more power!!!" the units were dull at first, but then after a mo, they got better, i just loved those white glidy things that just hit and run, just brill to make strategies. the big downer though is that i just cant be bothered to tart again on another website... i got to like a point in the game were you couldn't continue on newgrounds... so ya, if you are reading this before playing, play it on another website coz you cant finish it here, i forgot were you had to go. so ya if that would of been said before hand, i would of put a higher grade.

(ps: this is a msg for shadiggatron: your a douch bag, the units were just great you just didnt play long enough thats all, (you should know that if you were a real rts fan, the better units always come later))

Game Review 2

If I had to say, the game was horrible! I didn't see how you could have a frog to repair your units. Yeah I know it's frogger but really? It had some good ideas, as in the Xbox 360 as a base, but a tv for a recruit site? Anyways, I shouldn't be too negative. I mean it has a point, retro vrs. modern. It's a fun game in all, but it needs kinks, like the map, it's hard to manover(for me), and it also needs a mini-map.

If I made this game, those would be some ideas I'd put it in.

Thanks for the game!