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Reviews for "Zombie Survival: Outbreak"

Oh no...

It started good, metal slug graphics, zombies, violence and gore.. But failed.
Like those nazirunnerzombies how to fuck u supposed to dodge them? Cant duck?! And that dude was slooooooow. Inna game like this id like faster tempo on the hero u play, now when u toss a granade it takes so much time that the zombies u aim are way gone... all those, small thing. And the knife? i usually slashed air cause zombies were too close and u dont have much time to take those needed back steps.

Placeable responds:

I honestly don't know why people find those zombies so hard. Just, simply, jump over them. It's easy.

The knife is very powerful if you bother to upgrade it. After a while just one good slice is all it takes to bring down a zombie; even groups of zombies!

it gets a prety boring with some time =\

there is only 3 kinds of wepons and zombies coming averywhere when u are on a totaly plane place, it turn the things harder that it shold be =\

This game stops just short of being great

This game a lot of potential with some work.

I'll start with the scoring/money. I'm not sure why you would make the two of them the same thing. If this is a "highscore" game, then why would we want spend all that time collecting money for upgrades only to have to keep on killing the same monsters over and over? If this were a scrolling game with different levels and bosses then I'd understand. And the upgrades are far too expensive especially if I have heal myself every other level OR completely restart if I die.

As for the game-play itself. Well. I saw that you addressed the fact that the character moves slowly. You suggested jumping over the zombies. This wouldn't be a problem if you didn't have monsters that leap or run. I dodge one zombie only to run into another. Then there are the grenades. The window is either not wide enough or he throws them too slowly. There is no sure way to land a grenade if I'm being jumped at/rushed.

Things that I believe would greatly help this game:
-Wider game-play screen
-Faster grenades
-Stronger knife
-Higher jump
-Separate score/money
-Either more money from kills or cheaper upgrades

bueno pero, no tan bueno

es un juego se podria decir q luce bien
pero es totalmente aburrido
y no asusta en lo mas mínimo

um, right.

This game shown a bit of promise at first... but after that and the zombies who damn near leap faster than you run, forcing you into other zombies or anything that causes damage with a terrible ability to jump half a foot into the air over... what? anything? I couldnt even get past the faster zombie/leaper combo, and the enemies upgrade too fast for the amount of points you can get early on. A dodge featured have been nice, possibly a weapon or two, and the ability to somehow (through skill id hope) avoid enemies using a form of roll, duck, backflip, higher jump, anything, i dont care. Something to get you out of danger of one enemy that seems to catch you no matter how hard you try to get away.