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Reviews for "With My Mind's Madness"


Amazing flash!
Loved the art and the timing to the song!
Where did u find such a high quality mp3 of "With My Mind"?
Awesome work!


This is what madness tributes are all about. Fantastic animation that goes perfectly with the music (of course).

What mindchamber said - definately see the other madness movies first to truly appreciate the epicness and awesomeness of this.

Too bad it wasn't submitted on Madness day...

(enjoyed the madness game a lot though)...


So while I was watching this I thought. That's amazing work. I never see this kind of effort in the portal. And I thought who is this artist? He needs some props to keep doing this. I guess I assume everything in the portal is done by people just starting out. I saw author: Mindchamber. No wonder it's so good. Everyone big and small goes through the same door.

Hats off to you sir. That was kick ass.


This is possibly my favorite Madness flash on Newgrounds. The art and animation are great, and it plays with perspective in a way no other Madness flash does. The overt symbolism and over the top action cement this is downright fantastic.
My only criticism was the music. I can't say I'm a fan of nu-metal, but in this context it worked well.
Loved this, and I'm a fan of some of your other work too. Great work!

simultaneously boring & epic

no sound effects, slow emo song playing in the background, long scenes. visually epic, but i somehow lost my attention span. i wouldn't watch it twice.

MindChamber responds:

ya I had to cut a few things out, and I orginally was only using the song for inspiration, and switching to a more appropriate beat, but I liked how well it matched,

thanks for the review