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Reviews for "-> PANCAKES!!! <-"

i swear

i swear i saw this game before but dont kno were

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Maybe you saw it here. It has been here for about 3 months now. IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE, PLEASE TELL ME. I need to know if this is on any other site...

Wait, what?

Ok... I knew the sometime some bad work make it to the front page, but that this game made it there... i dont understand. This is really a bad game. Bad graphics, basic platforming, horrible idea... But, I am suppose to give you a constructive review.

-The graphics are very bad. I drew better flash than that, and i suck.
-The idea of a plaforming game based on randomness and fat people was doomed to fail before you began coding or drawing it.
-The gameplay is really bad.
-You put some good techno music. The only problem... you made it loop non-stop.

Other than that, this game is really bad. Nothing new, and it failed to reproduce design that were here for a while.

There is still two things i dont understand. It made it to the front page, and people believe this game is good... I might have been hard, but put more effort in your game next time, maybe it'll be something acceptable.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Ok i get why your confused. Heres the thing: This game is funny because of the story. Many love this game because of the originality. It made it to front page because Tom thought the game deserved to be viewed by the majority of the public, simply because people were voting 10 for about 3 months. If you read some of the reviews in order of rating, you will see tons like it and find it hilarious.

The reason why it gets bad scores and everything is blandly simple.. It was brought to the majority of the public. the graphics suck, poor movement, everything is poor. You can't look into that though.. it was made by a 14 year old not by some experienced 20 year old guy who works in a company.


This is an awesome game!They should make it 4 the xbox360!Can you try to do that?

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

LOL!!!! When I am older, I do plan to try to make a deal with a company who will make all the charecters. I I have the ideas and design, but not the artistic talent I need. :( Thanks though!!!

good for your age

You should have checkpoints though, it gets really repeditive.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

I didnt know how to do it at the time. Im 16 now, just to let you know.

It was alright.

Not the best game in the world but the music kicked ass and it was fun.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

I agree completely. ;)