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Reviews for "-> PANCAKES!!! <-"


...i died farting :(

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:


oh man

i can see u like writing stuff lol, make a book =D i got stuck and couldnt move but above that it was cool

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

I wrote the intro and storyline in 30 minutes from the top of my head. LOL. I have another game planned and already have an animator.


Wow if you made this when you were 14 gratz. I couldnt feed myself or clothe myself when i was 14, let alone program a game. Hell i dont know if computers were invented when i was 14. Loved the loading and intro message too. Not a great game but it was entertaining.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Great logic. And that what this game is supposed to be.. entertaining and funny. The fact it was made when I was 14, still amazes me.. there is 900 lines of coding in this game. DANG IT WAS TOUGH. The coding is what took me so freaking long.


This is a nice game just keep it up and I hope you make another one but just make it a little more nice :) 9/10 Good luck making games!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Oh I AM Making another one. its gonna be much better and everything.

i like Pancakes too...with Kandoo

I don't know why i liked it but i did. Now Firstly.

Well Done on random storys!
Well Done completing it! and not giving up
Well Done for not going back and removing the jets off the fat people?
Well Done for the spin thing when you climbed....i enjoyed that....
Well Done on the crude drawings
Well Done on the salad gun


The music stopped..=(
The fat people randomly stopped....
You need a restart button in case any gliches ( i got a few)
The music stopped!
My eyes hurt
It has psychedelic pattern in places (but you were 14 when you started it so i'll let you off)
It's a platformer
The music kinda... you know.... stopped
I dislike the word Lard...sounds weird...Lard.... LArd...LaRD...it is a srange word..

Well done overall... NG give far too many characters in the reveiw don't they? So how are you? i'm O.k i guess what was the multicolours things in it btw? I was classing it was sherbet in my head but it might be some cheap crisps or something, not that it's any relivence, just curious is all... i really don't want to go to bed, i'm tired but it's to early in the morning to go to bed i might as well stay up all night now. =P. Do you ever get like that, a point when your so tired you just become random and too tired to sleep, i know it sounds weird but, meh, Nice to played your game though it allowed me to kill an hour writing a reveiw. Not that it's taken me an our already but i'm planning to have a nap for twenty minutes the strat writing again... i'm really bored... and i still have more than two thousand five hundred characters remaining... you know what screw the nap i'm just going to sumbit this reveiw i'm writing now, which you are reading in the future...? but....i forgot where i was....meh.

Thank you from the bottom of my knee, i enjoyed it immensely


i need a star rating don't i..hmm right 5 is average so i'll start there.

5 + 6 well dones = 11 so i need to take off some..so let's say 3 so
11-3 = 8....that seems good you get a 8!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Lol very nice and detailed review. Glad to see you enjoyed it even though the graphic quality was minor and there were many glitches. This game has an average score of an 8 as well.. so your math is correct! CONGRATULATIONS YOU WIN A NEW CAR!