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Reviews for "Zombie Hole"

Can't really give this a good grade....

When i started playing this game, i thought it was pretty decent. but as it went on, with the repetitive kills, the simplicity, and the incredibly short levels, i began to realize that this was vastly terrible.

One complaint is the weapons. I played the whole game with the pistol alone. it is more useful than the shotgun and the assult rifle, and with the unlimited ammunition, and it only taking three shots for a successful kill, it is too easy to use. The shotgun, only taking two hits to use, and with limited ammo, was just plain terrible. It was slower, and did not cause "splash" damage of a typical shotgun. The assult rifle, or "machine gun" as it was called in the game, was horrible. It was faster to fire the pistol, and the assult rifle needed four successful hits to make a kill.

The zombies themselves were just plain dissappointing. The moved slower than the character, making any attempts at your life by them fail. A little backpeddling is their bane of existence.

Many times, it was impossible to do anything to the cave. everytime i played, i was unable to seal it or enter it or do anything of the sort.

The most dissappointing fact was that the car, which im sure many players wished to drive, was undrivable.

The dialogue was utterly terrible. whether english is your forte or not, asking someone to proofread it would not take so long, and the outcome would be much better.

Over all, i give your game a score of one, and hope you can fix these flaws before your next game is released.

Not good

Well, good things first: It had Zombies and Guns.
Bad things: Gameplay: Boring as hell and too easy. I never even got touched by a Zombie after the first map while only using the Pistol. This game definately needed a skillsystem and powerups. And you moved as slow as the Zombies you shot. When the entire town is being ravaged by Zombies, you don't put on your sunglasses and casually walk through the streets, you run.
Innovation: There was none. You got a guy walking through the streets shooting Zombies. That's it. And while the intro tells you the cave was first closed by "the most powerful magic of all times" all I had to do was shoot it repeadetly until it was sealed...there could have been so much more to this.
Language: The dialogues are way too cheesy, even from a Zombie-Movie point of view. And seriously, "The target was lost"? I felt like watching an "All your base are belong to us"-spinoff. Learns sum gawddam english if ye makes dem english gamez.

uhmm ok?

i was kinda pissed that the machine gun shot as fast as i could shoot and reload a pellet gun

the grammar and graphics kinda sucked

honestly the zombies were all reatrded lost body part but moved just ass fast

not just that but they ate your health way to fast to shitty of guns for the number of zombies in the second lvl and the shot gun and machine gun once again pointless i would rather have found a second pistol


I'm sorry but there's close to nothing i can even come clsoe to giving you a good mark for.The storyline was weak, *bleh there's a cave that hasnt been opened for centuries, it's filled with zombies :(* And at the start, i dont remember what it was, i tihnk it went like this: let's war baby I mean come on!Is English not your first language or something?And plus that was a pistol you started the player with, nto a shotgun, you get a shotgun in the gun shop.Plus what's with only one gun you can get?It wasn't even a good gun!it sucked, really.The only part I liked was how you had to blow up the window to get into the gun store.But seriously, how could someone get their car stuck in rocks that they could easily drive directly through?And the minimap didn't work, it showed what you had to get to, and showed the rest of the map.Something missing?Yes.Can't see where your character is.If you could fix all of these, you might have a decent game.

2 for flinchen

u get 2 becuase 1 i like zm games and 2 big maps buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut shooting takes to long i die when the dont touch me it wont let me in the mine and the zombies are only 2 diferent colors green and brown wtf