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Reviews for "Zombie Hole"

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what the hell was this? i expeced it to be good, but when i started to play i noticed that the graphics were awful. there were way too many zombies in the first level. heres some advice: Make better graphics and gameplay

no, no, no

many many things are wrong.

-actuall story line
-blood is nice

-graphics right out just suck
-weapons have absolutely no differention; shotgon was the exact same as the pistol
-glithes galore! oh my god, i ran into zombies that came at super speed and killed me with one hit. undefined maybe? many other small glitches make the game just plain unplayable.
-your character doesnt have the ability to reload. you've got to be kidding, thats something you must have in all shooters.
-graphics are all the same. what, there was 2 different zombies? graphics are dull and unapealing.
-gameplay lacks luster. were is the originality? its been done, millions of times. you neecd some kind of variation on your gameplay that sets it aside from the others.

i hope you can take and use this reveiw usefully. i am in no way trying to be a jerk, or put you down, but pointing out some things that could use improvement.
i know it can easily seem that way, but im not.

1/5 maybe some more testing next time? the numorouse glitches could have been caught at testing.

i have to meaninfull words for you ...............

try again

Absolutely worthless.

In a genre that is so over-done, games like this need to have something really special to stand out, or be polished to an almost professional level.

This game lacks both. Not only was the writing terrible, the game was buggy, boring and lacked simple basic features that have been staples of zombie games for ages.


I'm sorry but there's close to nothing i can even come clsoe to giving you a good mark for.The storyline was weak, *bleh there's a cave that hasnt been opened for centuries, it's filled with zombies :(* And at the start, i dont remember what it was, i tihnk it went like this: let's war baby I mean come on!Is English not your first language or something?And plus that was a pistol you started the player with, nto a shotgun, you get a shotgun in the gun shop.Plus what's with only one gun you can get?It wasn't even a good gun!it sucked, really.The only part I liked was how you had to blow up the window to get into the gun store.But seriously, how could someone get their car stuck in rocks that they could easily drive directly through?And the minimap didn't work, it showed what you had to get to, and showed the rest of the map.Something missing?Yes.Can't see where your character is.If you could fix all of these, you might have a decent game.