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Reviews for "Meet The Moon"

kudos on your first

I'm happy to see this animation on NG. personally I'd suggest more visual contrast on things like size and direction especially in your transitions because I was tempted to get bored from cut to cut. I never did, but keep expanding, you could be absolutely great.

I'm going to agree with Flank11 too. this is a great social statement for NG, and I FULLY support messages that encourage "Celebration"(title of that song), family love, positivity, appreciation of good parts of our world and all that great stuff.

GodamnDawg responds:

Thank you very much. And yeah...heh my fade in fade out transitions did get a little dull, even I can admit that.

Nice work!

I agree with flank11. This animation has greaty quality and class that can be great around newgrounds. keep up the good work.

Well done

If this is actually your 1st animation longer than a few seconds you may have quite the gift at flash-making. Good graphics, its got a good air to it. it makes you feel good.

Overall i wish you luck with any future videos, if you plan to make any. =)


Simply put it has good animation, good music, and good art. Seeing that baby wolf look up at the moon couldn't help me but to think about Menchi from Excel Saga, anyways good work and can't wait to see what else ya can do.

damn white ppl

there would be more wolves of you white ppl didnt try to wipe em out, damn. as a native american i think you white ppl should follow your own ideas of immigration and leave this f**king country, shit you act like your doing us a favor by giving us back .001% of our land back and claiming you found this country, we were here first, there were plenty of wolves, buffalo, bears, and many other animals you ppl are whiping out. complain about oimmigration when you yourselves are immagrants. my ppl didnt come here on a boat, we walked here centuries ago. then you ppl come and destroy our land, culture and way of life

GodamnDawg responds:

Uh...thank you? I'm white...but it ain't like I disrespect 'your people' or anything. I'm really upset that there aren't as many wolves in the US as their used to be. I saw some stats on it about now and years ago and it was rather depressing how drastically the wolf population was cut down.