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Reviews for "The Creation of High Art"


I totally agree. Right now I'm in a College of Art at a state school. And considering moving to a real art school. It's silly some of the things that come out of this place that are considered great. Just because the canvas is taller than u, and the colors look like u are on acid, doesn't mean it's highart. haha. I loved the NERV reference. You rock.

5/5 goes to this

A good explanation on how such crappy pictures... (some of them) becomes art ... thank u for enlightening my day :P

PS: Funny refrence to Neon Genesis Evangelion :D

Art Subject

The Art world and the WOrld of art

One- pertaining to the way the artist sees the world, painting, drawing, animating, composing, or just creating "art" for themselves and the world around them.

But the other- is the income of art. How much is art worth? Can you sell it to make a living? and what is the purpose of buying art?

My Uncle was a starving artist, trying to live off his art work month to month literally having no days where there was no food, no home, and no friends.

Even today my unce isn't able to paint what he wants too, for he is still living off of what others want to see him paint. He Paints these comissions to pay for the bills from his wife who currently has lung cancer and for his children. His kids are all grown up now, and even his son owns an art gallery to help support his father, but he stopped painting things for what his thoughts said.

It is sad that no one has ever tried, ever since Kenedy did, to help these artists. Gain recognition and/or just survive through a winter.

There is another artist that my Uncle knew, who used the same paints and canvasas he did. Painted the same style and lived only a town away from where he did on the East coast. This guy was well known, thought to be a genious and made millions. A few times my uncle met with him because the same company they used for paints and brushes were calling back some paints. My uncle lent him some tubes and the guy took them.
At a gallery, my uncle ran into the same man, and notice his paintings where on a different canvas, so he asked the guy what he was using.
The guys stuck up his nose and exclaimed that he would never tell him what equipment he used. That he has no respect for artists like him trying to steal his ideas and concepts and thaught of my uncle as a theif trying to steal his paintings off the wall and placing his name on them.

Shows who the people really like, a really confident, egotistical greedy man.
My uncle is really soft spoken and kind, not agressive at all and this is why I think his art does not take off like it should. But should an artist have to be this way or die before he or she is recognized for his or her talents?

This film is great information to the public, everything correct (except for the Bourgeoisie). Thank you for pointing this issue out

ok AW INSJK>bg

ok um evry retard who thinks that new grounds cant have any thing that has learning in it should be shot i fucking hate them. Good point & good animation

Sounds like a commie bastard wrote this!!!

lol. I'm kidding. I enjoyed this quite a bit, and it was very insightful. Your grasp of the sociological reasoning behind this subject can be related to more than the art museums. For example, look at the "are video games art?" debate, and you'll see that this has had a strong effect on an aspect that a lot of us can relate to much more directly.


Great job