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Reviews for "pogger 2"

simple yet fun pac-man

A different kind of pac-man love the stylish element to this and you cant go wrong with a game like this these pacman elements and visual and entertainment of it all makes it all worth it, So here was a fun pac-man version, simple yet fun pac-man this particular version of the game is pretty awsome you even added your own twist on things and really made it fun, wish people still made these classic arcade games onto the portal here, and really hope you make even more games like this even if its a fun pacman type like this one.



The idea of the game is really nice, but the presentation is lacking some quality.

First of all you have to work on your graphics. Try to draw clean lines. Zooming in will give you a better control of what you are doing. And don't be afraid to draw a line more than once if you aren't happy with the result.
Also experiment with the colors a bit more before you decide which color you want to use for which object. Sometimes the colors of a level really hurt the eyes in this game.

Another negative point are the buttons. Right now only the text is clickable, not the space between the letters. This makes it quite hard to actually click a button sometimes. There are a few very good button tutorials here on NG, which can help you with this task.

The last negative point I have for you is the spelling and the grammar. If you aren't sure how a word is written use a spellchecker for example the one included in "Microsoft Word", or even google can help you out sometimes (the worst spelling error you made was with the word "nuclear". You spelled it "nuecluer" and one sentence later you spelled it "nucuelar". If you had used a spellchecker you could easily have avoided this).

However, as I've already written, I liked the main idea of this game. The story seems to be quite interesting and the controls are very easy and very accurate. Also the musical selection is very nice.

{ Review Request Club }

Not too bad!

Very nice idea for a game and if you remade it with a touch more effort in certain parts it could be even better. At some points in the game the colours screamed pain at my eyes, you should use more colour variety to present it better.
Some different enimies would of been nice instead of just the "Pigs".

Alot of the elements in the game could of been drawn alot better if you had spent more time on them. Just one or two things looking neater can change someones whole outlook on a game, especially those of the enemies and the boss. Sound was nice, a cool peppy kinda tune in the backround but a little variation would of been pleasant. Dont be afraid to pack the game full of different elements. The controls were easy to use and very responsive so i didnt cock up very much and get myself killed.

The bad things about the game were probably on first note the graphics and the buttons. After dying you had to click the retry button then the level button again. This prooved to be quite frustrating when added to the fact alot of the buttons were extremely hard to press as only the text counted as the button.

This game overall was challenging at points but also fun to play. if you released a third in the series id defo give it a go, just try to neaten things up a bit and incorporate a few more things into the game.

Graphics - 4
Animation - 6
Sound - 6

[Review Request Club]

Kieran123 responds:

thanx 4 da reveiw. I only used the pigs because I hate the police so much.

Decent Game

This was a very hard thing to judge, on one hand all the different styles of game play I found to be very good on the other, they weren't done to the best they could've been.

For starters the graphics were not great by any stretch of the imagination. I know you only really needed simple backgrounds and characters, but some shine and uniqueness is always good. Also there was a major concern of mine with the fact some times the colours seemed to blend into one another making it hard to see where the player was. Need drastic improvements.

The sound was alright, the songs actually suited the game, even at first I was a little pissed off at them, they grew on my over time. It would've been nice to see some more audio in other places aswell though. Just at events, like a subtle swinging of a sword sound, or even the classic chomping sound of pac-man would've been nice.

Now on to the game play, to be honest, you pretty much bunged every style of game you could into this, and where this would probably be a daunting task for most, you pulled it off, with a little less flare than what would be desired be still, you got the job done. I would like to commended you on the map "puzzle" especially, I found that quite hilarious.

Now, to summarize. I did like how you made the game out to be, it just needs to be polished, way way more polished. Alot of potential, and a great laugh. Good job

=Review Request Club=


It had some good music, which fitted the game, the graphics quality was real low, so try working on that. The hittest thing with the wall didn't really work, cause it was only the center of the pacman movie cli which registered hitting it, try working on that.
