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Reviews for "COPS: Video Game Edition"


Dude,what can u say? A-WE-SOME!!!!!! The animation was great,the plot was funny and the idea in general =D Very Funny and very cool! Looking forward to seeing your nex movies! ^^ Bye bye,have a nice day! Kepp up an awesome work! =D

Random-Her03 responds:

thanks alot man
i'll make sure of it!


2 funniest moments were:

1) "You'll never take me alive!" *CRASH* "OK, get the handcuffs ready..."
2) "Dukes of Hazzard, biotch."

lol, keep up the good work, also, the computerized voices were annoying, but only sometimes.

Random-Her03 responds:

yeh nobody seemed to like the computerized voices
but its ok! bcoz me and my friends are doing the voicework for the next flash

lol and the dukes of hazard moment is a personal joke me and a friend share lol
glad you enjoyed it!

LMAO! thats why ppl dont speed....

Jax will come and kik their Fu8ing A$$! lol!
Duke of Hazzard part was funny...Strikers illegal fire arm thing was funny....
it was pretty DAM GOOD!
The comp voices actually made me laugh more!!!!!!

it lags though....try to work that out a bit...although i think that was just me...

perfect score anyway! XD

Random-Her03 responds:

thanx alot man
i think your the only guy who liked the cpu voices lol

bad boys what you going to do when they come for u

I love that song. and no speeding you blue bastard!

