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Reviews for "Undefined's Protector"

Awesome, yet Sucky...

I was immediately disappointed to find that I couldn't sell my mages. And even more disappointed to find the "RPG" factor lacking. Sure you gain experience per level. But then it's back to ground zero for the next level. Really, I enjoyed the game, but.....

- It would be nice to see more options for upgrades, period.
- It would also be nice to be able to sell off your warriors in order to acquire better ones.
- If you really want the sense of an RPG in this game, maybe instead of creating new units each level, you have some sort of party system, where you can carry units you've kept throughout battles, which have leveled up (or at least retain their experience), on to other battles. Maybe even be able to reposition them between waves to give a dynamic sense of strategy.
- Is there a story to this game?

These are some pretty big mods you'd have to make. So, maybe next time?

I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. Good luck. :)


I love the make over from the defense game of UO...i believe there is another out there where you re did and made a "world" of it and i love it, in the first the better units were expensive i like the new gold ammount ( easier to aquire it seems ) but i still think the graphics are alot better. i do miss the upgrades(mages would get a hat or new robe etc ) but still good game

Okay, but it definitely needs improvements...

I liked this game - a lot. However, there were definitely places where you could have done better.

Specialty Units: These were simply way too expensive. It may just be because it is late, and so my mood shifts quickly and easily from calm to frustrated beyond the point of smashing my computer - but whatever the reason, the fact that it was so FUCKING HARD TO BUY A GOD DAMNED ARCHER, EVEN WHEN I FUCKING TRIED TO SAVE MONEY SPECIFICALLY FOR IT, REALLY PISSES ME OFF! So please, for the sake of a kitten I am about to KICK IN THE ASS, lower the prices. PLEASE. 150 to 200 would be fine. or even 250 to leaving it at 300 if you implement the change about selling units.

The Mages: I wouldn't mind if when I hovered over them before buying them, it gave a picture of their element. The colors are nice and all, but how the HELL am I supposed to know what the fuck a purple mage does? I suppose I could figure it out through elimination/ trial and error, but for fuck's sake, I shouldn't HAVE to. Also, I found that almost everything was weak to fire. So by the time I ran into something that wasn't, my guy was so powered up that it didn't fuckin' matter. Aside from the abosrb (bastards..), it was a cake-walk most of the time.

In General about Units: I really wish you had included the ability to sell back towers for like, 25% price at least, 50% max (including the price of upgrades). This would help with the problem of not being able to afford specialty units. I know it's fucking annoying, when I'm at 200 cash and I need 300 for an archer, but in order to survive this wave, I have to spend 50 cash in order to earn 40!! FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD!!

Finally, the thing about having to go to your site to play things: I understand, you worked hard on this and so would like people to check out your site. However, I don't know how many people are like me, but when I am basically ORDERED to do something, I will refuse simply for the sake of refusing to do something because I was ordered to do it against my will. Even if I had planned on doing that thing anyway, I WILL NOT DO IT. That's basically what you are doing with this "Come play at my site or suffer the consequences!!" Bullshit. Just ASK for us to come check out site; bait us in, let us know there are more games or w/e like this there. Hell, I don't care if there isn't, go ahead and lie. If I like the game, I won't give a shit. But don't try to pidgeon-hole people into things like that.

That ends my critique/ Rant. I'm sure I've forgotten something, but please, don't just shove our comments aside, with only these few changes, your game would be so much better!


A really good defence game, although I found it annoying that some features are only available on the site. I also found prices to be too steep for for some things (especially specialty units) and while some skills down the costs they don't do so very much. It would be nice to see gold carry over from map to map or to have gold build up quicker. Once you beat the easy maps the difficulty climbs too quickly.

Elsewise a really good game

Wow, another great Defence game! WOO!!!

The title may sound sarcastic, but trust me its not!!!! This is a goo tway, as you put it, to "waste your time". Though if having fun is wastng time, then ore than half of my life was wasted! Nice job on the game. For only lie 2.2mb f downloading, like 0 minutes for me -.-, it has enough bulk game-playing that its fun to replay, and thre are several stages providig much fun in different ways. Hoping for a sequal to this great game! The Protectopedia was agood idea to put in the game eeven though when I first looked ait, I didn't understand much from ot playing the game. After playing, it was a great help.