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Reviews for "Shamoozal: Rated M for..."

Oh if only...

then maybe people would actually have a reason to bitch.

Anyway, great stuff. I like how you're quick to the point, but you keep your detail and style at a high level. Keep it up!

You cover a strong point

I really hate those hypocritical parents and that...certain lawyer (cough). What people failed to see is that long before even ping pong was brought to be, genocides have happened, murders and various crimes have been committed without the aid of video games. And here we have a bunch of pissed of parents claiming that video games are the LEADING cause of violence, and get over dramatical on everything.
And for those who try to justify their cause with school shootings and teen robberies? Well, there are obviously other factors. The parents should have noticed if their kid was becoming socially detached, if they were being bullied at school (and I don't mean name calling, I mean being labelled the social outcast of the entire school while their parents were being apathetic about the kid's pain). If their child had any psychological problems due to abandonment issues.
A wise teacher once told me that games do not create killers, they only make us better killers if the moment calls for it. But as for me, I actually play shooters as an outing for my anger so I don't release it as people who don't deserve it.

(Sigh)...Anyways, I commend your flash on the animation quality. The well directed humor that most people with laugh at. And I gave it a 10 because it made this me think a lot about the subject. I know that's now the message you're trying to put out, at least not strongly.

Anyways, here's an (imaginary) salute to you!


a really funny short... perhaps the best short i have /seen :)

i cant wait for the sequels to come out

(by the way if you like this, you will LOVE the guitar hero shamoozal!)

i think it was good!

juuuuuust a little short...


sounds like a good game